I dedicate this post to my dear friend Sharon Spence.
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you lived it fearlessly??? All those goals would not seem so unreachable. You would not find yourself reminiscing of the past wishing you had done things differently; wishing you had not given up so easily... wishing that impenetrable unbeatable fear had not blocked your path towards your dream.
That is how Phoebe Spence lived her 85 years on this earth. Phoebe had a successful career as a criminal defense attorney and was always open to exploring and learning new things. At 60, she discovered her love and passion for the performing arts when she attended an acting class to improve her skills as an attorney. Little did she know that acting would become an integral part of her life.

I felt as my heart was touched a little deeper each time a
new person stepped up to share about the impact Phoebe had had in their lives.
I was not able to hold back my tears. I was immersed in the magical space
created by the love, care and appreciation exhibited by everyone attending this
memorial. Isn’t this the way we should all be acknowledged and celebrated when
we leave this physical world?
I had the honor to know Phoebe. One time when I was visiting
her and her daughter Sharon, I remember asking her, “Phoebe, do you have any
idea how adorable you are?” She
looked at me with a smile on her face and firmly replied, “YES!” She knew she was appreciated and loved.
She did not have to hide behind false modesty. I always loved that about her.
Thank you for living your life fully and for inspiring others to do the same. You have blessed every life you have touched. You will be missed but never forgotten.