
If your name has been mentioned on any of the posts of this blog and you would like to have it omitted or removed, please contact me directly. --- Adriana Trevino

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Is Any Publicity GOOD Publicity?

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


TMZ Reported...

"Bold and the Beautiful" star Victor Alfieri is safe from future attack ... because the man he accused of assaulting him with a hair brush has been ordered to stay out of his hair ... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ...  Alfieri had a close shave last month ... claiming his neighbor, xxx,  hit him in the face with a hairbrush. The soap star claims xxx has been hair-rassing him for more than a year.

Alfieri says he can't escape the guy ... because they live in the same building.

The judge just ordered xxx to stay 100 yards clear of Alfieri... except when they're in their building at the same time.


None of the comments posted in response to this TMZ Article is kind to Victor.  I genuinely feel bad for him. I am not sure he intended to have this become so public. Why would anyone want this all over the internet?

I will not make any comment about this TMZ piece. Let's just hope Victor keeps safe and away from xxx. Or should I say? I hope his neighbor keeps safe and stays away from Victor.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Deadly Hairbrush Incident

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Yesterday, TMZ broke the news "Bold & Beautiful" Star Victor Alfieri Was Attacked With a Hairbrush!!

The TMZ article reads -

It's pretty ironic ... "Bold and the Beautiful" star Victor Alfieri -- famous for his flowing locks -- claims he was attacked with a hairbrush ... and now he wants protection from the perp.
Alfieri has just got a restraining order against xxx, who lives with Alfieri's neighbor. According to docs, xxx beat him in the face last month with a hairbrush ... and has relentlessly harassed him for more than a year and threatened to put him in the hospital.
According to Alfieri, xxx was arrested for battery but released a day later ... and the harassment never stopped.
Alfieri doesn't explain why there's such animosity, but he does say the right side of his face still hurts like a bitch and his right eye now twitches.
Here's the problem.  The judge granted the restraining order, but can't order xxx to stay far away because he lives in Alfieri's building.  So the order is that xxx must stay 3 YARDS away.
As they say ... every inch counts.

For complete article, click on link TMZ - Alfieri Hairbrush Attack

I honestly was worried when I read this article that I personally sent Victor an email asking him if he was ok. He did not reply to me, of course. 

Some people, TMZ readers, specifically, did not feel much sympathy or compassion and opted to mock him. These are some of the comments -

"Two days before this happened a janitor bumped his foot with the vacuum and his little toe hasn't been the same since. And 3 days before that, a Gnat flew into his mouth sticking to the back of his throat nearly choking him to death. Is it bad luck or is it a conspiracy against him?"
"He's going to have an even harder time finding his testicles, now that he has a twitchy-eye...!!! TESTIFY !!!..."
"Lovers quarrel!"
"S/He's gaaay. That's a point, blank. Period!! #TRUTH!!"
"Well, his hair does look a little messy."
"A man... beat a man with a hairbrush... this is a non-story. Good for a wtf(?) moment, though."
"Ya, I'll bet he lives with the neighbour, NOW. I wouldn't doubt he lived with this dude before the Hairbrush incident. How come no police report was filed?"
"How does a man beat another man with a brush? Why does a man have a brush? Oh my this Ashton Kutcher look a like should quit."
"This is funny he's not listed as in the cast on B&B CBS website. He is easy on the eyes but me thinks his difficult personality makes him an ugly person. JS" 
"Dude, you got jacked with a hairbrush? That's it, your out. You know the rules so, hand it over. Come on, quit stalling, hand over your Bro Card. Now!"

Luckily for Victor, there are still people who will take his side. Let's read this very sweet message from Johnny -
"Poor Victor, he is a terrific actor. What a weird incident. lol. I have heard it, all now. Nothing shocks me anymore. Victor, I will take care of you sweetie. I will give you tlc. lol. HOPE you feel better, Victor."
And let's not forget Dawn. She has written numerous comments defending Alfieri. This time she took the chance to chime in and simply wrote: 
"Nutty neighbors. There's always at least one. Crazy obsessed people don't need an excuse."
Crazy obsessed people? Who said anyone was obsessed here? Dawn, as we know, is an ALIAS or might be Alfieri himself. So, through this comment we learn that the attacker was probably a relentless obsessed fan... Is that possible? Oh well, we have heard that story before.

The article does not specify what type of hairbrush was used in the attack. It could have been a brush such as the one depicted in the picture below.

A gigantic hairbrush could become a deadly weapon

I just wonder.... if Alfieri is such a great boxer and fighter as he claims, why didn't he defend himself????  Whatever the truth is, we all have the right to feel safe in our own homes and neighborhoods. It is good that Alfieri got a restraining order. Let's hope he recovers from these hairbrush injuries. And let's also hope that there are no more crazy obsessed people after him. 

Update - January 22, 2014. TMZ posted an "exclusive" piece following the original article.  

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

kar·ma [kahr-muh] 

1. Hinduism & Buddhism - The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2. Fate; destiny.
3. Informal - A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.
 --- The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

Karma, as cause and effect is something we see it in everyday life. If we take a step forward, we start to move. If we have an object in our hands and let go of it or drop it, it will eventually hit the ground. If we work out regularly, we become physically stronger.

It is like in cost accounting - a balance sheet. There are assets and liabilities. The sum of the assets will always have its equivalent in the sum of liabilities. It is easy if we picture an old-fashioned scale. A cost on one side has a valuable asset on the other side keeping the scale "even."

We could then believe that if we work hard, we reap financial rewards. If we respect, honor and help others, our positive actions will result in stronger personal and professional relationships. If we give love, we receive love in return. This would make sense, wouldn't it? It is fair and a way the "karmic" universe would be certainly balanced.

We all know that this is not how things always go. We can work hard and barely see any financial rewards. We can respect, honor and help others and find ourselves manipulated, cheated on and betrayed. Why is that? Is this fair? Why does this happen to "good" people?

So why did these things happen to me? Why did the man I loved and trusted betray me in such a way? I do not know his reasons. All I know is that I played a part and continue to play a part in this Trevino-Alfieri Story. I had the relationship I had with Alfieri because I allowed it. I am aware that I somehow "enabled" the good and the "bad" things that were happening. It takes two to tango, isn't that right?

Although at first I failed to acknowledge the "red flags" and signs that were alerting me, I finally took a firm step and decided to voice my concerns and disagreements to him. It was then that he did what he did to me - he took my money, claimed sexual harassment, sued me and slandered me in the process.

I make no claims that I am the "good" person and Victor is the "bad" guy in this story. Just as I have done what I believe to be the best for me, he probably also has done the best he can. Many would wonder why I say he did his best when he lied and betrayed me. Let's not forget that he DID finish the movie. He put more time and additional funds to complete it. I certainly give him credit for that.

Last week, I met with someone who has been part of this film project. He told me that Victor is not doing very well and that this experience has affected him tremendously. "He could simply tell the truth and apologize," I said.  The reality is that I will probably never receive an apology from him. And it really does not matter. I have forgiven him. I know he has been blinded by his own limited perception of reality and has done the best he can.

I do not regret having met him or having ventured into independent filmmaking with him. It is true that I put a lot of money into the project and there is no guarantee I will ever see a penny back.  What I can truly say is that I have gotten a lot from this experience. Karma does exist.  A good friend from my USM class once said to me, "you did this film project out of love. You put love into this relationship...  Love is what will inevitably come back to you. You will see that something good will come out of this."

Does every action have a "karmic" consequence? I personally believe so. Every person's single action, thought or emotion affects every one else's reality one way or the other. Therefore, the overall "Universe" experiences an impact. If the whole Universe is affected by these thoughts, actions and emotions, then we can assert that the person who caused them is affected as well. It is also my belief that there is a constant equilibrium in the Universe. The fact that some of us are thrown off balance at specific moments in our lives, does not mean that the total universal equilibrium has been lost. And it is the Universal Love we feel for one another that helps maintain that equilibrium.

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours."    -- Wayne Dyer

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.