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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friends With Benefits

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

When Victor had his extreme case of paranoia in mid June 2011, he made it clear that he did not want to even run into me. He told me that I had to stay away from the places that he and I used to go to together. I told him that it would be difficult as we lived just a few blocks away.  He responded that he moved to West Hollywood first. He asked me to move somewhere else and to leave him alone  He also said that if he saw me in those areas he would consider it harassment and would think that I was seriously "stalking" him.

We went from being lovers, best friends, business partners to "enemies." He clearly stated that he did not want to see me and that any contact from me would be considered harassment.  I could not believe this. I actually thought he had gone insane.  His mother and I continued talking everyday during the whole summer until Victor took my money from the bank and disappeared on August 3, 2011.  Daniela, his mother, would constantly tell me that Victor loved me, to be patient with him. 

Marco Cuadros, his manager, also told me that Victor was not being himself, that he apparently had gone crazy but that he would go back to his usual "him." I wanted to believe Marco and Daniela. However, Victor was getting crazier by the minute.  I felt that he was trying to set me up for "harassment." As soon as I realized that, I confronted him and made him admit he had had a sexual relationship with me. I wanted to have it in writing... And I got it.  Here are the text messages we exchanged.

He admits to sleeping with me and asks me if I slept with him to make a movie with no money... according to him, in his world I got "a hell of a deal"!  DID I???

Then he starts talking about always being honest with me about our friendship.  He knew how much I loved him and continued sleeping with me. He had many opportunities to stop the intimacy and he did not.

In the text messages below, he admits again to sleeping with me. This time we talk about being friends "with benefits." He said that he stopped the benefits because I was going crazier.  Who was going crazier???? He was.  His statement was clearly a projection!!!

My attorney told me that these messages were enough to prove that he and I had an intimate/sexual relationship. These text messages were introduced as evidence during Victor's deposition. You will not believe the justification he gave.  Read "Premeditation"and watch the video.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

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