
If your name has been mentioned on any of the posts of this blog and you would like to have it omitted or removed, please contact me directly. --- Adriana Trevino

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Standing Up for the Truth

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


About one month ago, when I wrote my last post "Social Media," I was also writing something else... No, it was not my book. It was something that required lots of research and guidance from experts in the field.  It needed to follow a clear narrative with accurate facts and precise details. I spent about a week doing research and three days drafting this document. When I was done writing it, I could not believe it. I looked at my "masterpiece." I was proud of it. It was like one of those school projects - an essay, midterm or.... final paper that we need to complete in order to move forward to the "next level."

I still remember the day I finished it. It was a Thursday. It was March 20th. I had talked to a friend earlier that day. We were planning on going to a screening. I was almost done getting ready. I did my hair, my make-up, put on a nice dress and shoes... I was so happy to be done with my "writing project" and also excited to go out and celebrate that big accomplishment. As I was about to take a step back to check how I looked in the mirror, my body lost its balance. I felt as my right knee was giving in. It dislocated and twisted as I fell to the ground. The injury was major, considering that I was just standing and not making any drastic movements. It was so bad that I will be having surgery in a couple of days.

I probably overestimated what my physical body could endure. Sitting in front of the computer for hours with very little breaks cannot be good for anyone. I had also been working long hours on other projects related to my company. I had pushed myself to the limit - literally to the limit of what my physical body could take.

I was moving too fast, in such a big rush to get things done that I forgot to maintain my balance... my emotional and spiritual balance. This was reflected in my loss of physical equilibrium. A friend of mine said to me, "maybe it is the Universe telling you to slow down." It makes sense now. My "rushing" -  my impatience to speed things up reduced my awareness and prevented me from staying in the moment... in the NOW.

When this incident occurred, I thought that the injury I sustained would be a challenging obstacle that would inevitably delay any plans or projects I had at that time.  I was very upset and frustrated. I felt helpless. However, something amazing happened. Because this incident forced me to slow down, I came to truly appreciate my physical body. Our bodies are certainly a "gift" that we should never take for granted. I also had the time to review my "written project" and to make a firm decision as what I would do with it.

I have talked and written a lot about what my experience was like during this whole Trevino-Alfieri Saga. I have always stressed the importance of "Speaking Up" while doing it with integrity and honesty.  So I decided to speak up... this time, not only through the lines I write on this blog, but in a more formal and "official" way.

The written project I mentioned above is the official complaint for my new lawsuit against Victor Alfieri. In the early morning of April 15, 2014, I went to the Los Angeles Superior Court and filed my complaint against Victor Alfieri, Daniela Carloni (Victor's mother), Bondolini Productions and Black Knight Entertainment. The causes of action are: 1) Fraud in the Inducement; 2) Breach of Contract; 3) Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing; 4) Breach of Fiduciary Duty; 5) Constructive Fraud; 6) Conversion; and 7) Accounting.  Case BC542748

Although I will be consulting with legal counsel on how to proceed, what papers to file and to give me general guidance, this time I am going "pro se," without an attorney. Why am I representing myself? For the simple reason that I do not have the funds to hire counsel. Even if I had the funds - the legal fees to litigate this case would exceed any judgment I might receive.

So just because I do not have the funds to hire an attorney, does that mean that I have no legal recourse?  No!  I do have the right to have my case heard by a judge and/or jury. Because the statute of limitations is applicable to any cause of action, I had to make a firm decision to move forward in a timely manner. I am happy with my decision. I am aware of the implications of this legal path I have chosen. I am ready to move forward and stand for MY TRUTH.

Life has taught me that we are not alone in this world and that it is OK to reach out. I can invite others to take an active part in my personal dream - "my story."  Their participation in my story, however, will be limited. I am the only one who has ultimate control of my life. It is not fair to expect others to make major decisions for me and then get upset or blame them when things don't go as I expected. By taking full responsibility for how I have dealt with what has happened to me in the past, I am able to stand up in the present with full conviction that I am in charge of my life.

And as don Miguel Ruiz tells us, "if we don't like our story, we are the authors; we can change it." I have made a big decision with complete awareness of the path I have decided to take. I am sitting in the driver's seat, behind the wheel... I have just made a sharp turn... What an exciting journey life is!

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.