
If your name has been mentioned on any of the posts of this blog and you would like to have it omitted or removed, please contact me directly. --- Adriana Trevino

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Service

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

What Is Service?

According to the official Los Angeles Superior Court website -
The law says that when you sue a person, partnership, corporation, or the government, you must give formal notice to the other side that you have started the legal process. In the same way, when you are already involved in a case and file papers with the court, you are required to give the other side notice of the paperwork you have filed. The legal way to give formal notice is to have the other side “served” with a copy of the paperwork that you have filed with the court. This is called “service of process.”
"Service of process" means that the other side must get copies of any paper you file with the court.  In “service of process” a third person (NOT you) is the one who actually delivers the paperwork to the other side.  The person who does this is called the “server” or “process server.”
Until the other side has been properly "served," the judge cannot make any permanent orders or judgments.
Process Servers can be: a friend/relative, county sheriff/marshal, professional process server, or anyone over 18 who is NOT part of the case. 

How I Got Him Served

After filing the complaint in court on April 15, 2014, I prepared copies to be delivered to Victor during the "service." Because I could not serve the papers myself and did not necessarily want to wait for the Sheriffs to deliver the papers to Victor, I got a couple of friends to help me with this task. I asked my dear friend Becky, who has worked as a professional process server in the past to act as the official server. She agreed. I also contacted my friend Alan, a talented young man with experience behind the camera, to be the videographer. 

Why a videographer? Mainly, to have proof of the service. Victor has come up with so many excuses and incredible tales in order to avoid responsibility or accountability. I did not want him to deny being "served" just as he denied ever having an intimate relationship with me.

I honestly thought that serving Victor would be much harder. I thought he would be evasive. It was much easier than anticipated. The service was done smoothly and without any complications.  

About the Video

The video was shot by my friend Alan and edited by me. Although the specific portion of the "service" is real footage, the rest was shot for entertainment purposes.  It is intended to simply poke fun at this whole situation, and specifically The Hairbrush Incident covered by TMZ Hairbrush Attack.  

Because Victor had been attacked with a hairbrush, it made sense that he would be in a better position to protect himself from future attacks if he had a hairbrush of his own. So we brought one for him as a gift... along with the summons and complaint.

A Brush With the LAW

Therese Borchard wrote in PsychCentral about how our bodies, minds and spirits begin to "mend" with a dose of humor:
  1. Humor combats fear.
  2. Humor comforts.
  3. Humor relaxes.
  4. Humor reduces pain.
  5. Humor boosts the immune system.
  6. Humor reduces stress.
  7. Humor spreads happiness.
  8. Humor cultivates optimism.
  9. Humor helps communication.

And I would add one more to this list...

       10.  Humor reminds us that what we are experiencing is simply a story.

We get to choose what type of story we want to live - a drama with non-stop suffering? An adventure full of unexpected turns and thrills?  A love story? A light-hearted comedy?  

Finding humor, especially in difficult or challenging situations, can bring so much healing and a better perspective of things.  Who said that life is supposed to be a struggle with loss and distress? Life is FUN. Let's enjoy the ride!

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

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