Do You Believe in Angels?
I do. Because I grew up catholic, my belief in angels was something that developed in a very natural, organic way. When I was about 6 years old, I was having terrible nightmares that were keeping me up at night. After telling my mom about this, she suggested I prayed before going to bed. She told me that we all had a guardian angel who protected us at all times. My mom also bought me this beautiful porcelain angel that she placed right above my bed. My nightmares immediately ceased.What are angels?
After reading many definitions for "angel" from different sources, I chose the simple definition google•gel /ˈānjəl/

1. a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
2. a person of exemplary conduct or virtue.
3. a person who supports a business financially, typically one who invests private capital in a small or newly established enterprise.
I have encountered many "human"angels in my life - from my childhood best friend to two total strangers who came to my rescue when my car got stuck in the snow on a bitter cold Minnesota winter day.
We also have probably been "angels" to at least one other person in our life. Just think about how your actions and your simple presence affect your surroundings and every single person who interacts with you. These people that are touched and affected by your actions and energy also have the same effect on others. It is like a domino effect. Well, I would describe it more like a source or "core" that branches out in every direction and multiplies exponentially.
According to the definition provided by google, there is an "angel" who financially supports newly established enterprises. We could say then that I was an "angel" to the production of "Looking for Clarissa" - at least an "angel INVESTOR." Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had chosen to not invest in this film. I start thinking of all that money I spent on the production of the film and on attorneys I hired to litigate this case... the money I lost in business due to Alfieri's slanderous allegations. I would have close to $500,000 in the bank!... Or would I? Does it really matter?
What matters to me is that when I decided to put money in this project, I did it believing it was a good investment into a future I wanted - film production. I was also helping a loved one achieve his dream of becoming a film director.
I have been so fortunate to encounter so many angels in my life path. Some have come to help me learn valuable lessons. Others have come to simply keep a door toward new ideas and opportunities open so I can walk through it.
Because we are angels to one another, we always have the opportunity to be generous and kind with our actions. A selfless act of kindness is certainly angel-like behavior.
Thank you - Mom, dad, Teresa, Karla, Marcela, Norma, Fernando, Sandra, Flor, Eloisa, Lourdes, Ken, Jason, Diana, Marjorie, Angie, David, Vivian, Gina, Arthur, Brian, April, Natalie, Alessia, Erik, Raul, Jorj, Tieg, Carlos, Jaime, Mike, Natalia, Hugh, Noel, Ian, Martha, Ka, Andrea, Erica, Jenna, Zee, Marco, Mary, Ricardo, Laura, Matt, John, Can, Christine, Roxane, Eva, Miguel, Marianne, Frances, Debra, Hass, David, Brad, Patricia, Dan, Becky, Sharon, Angelica, Alan, Bobby and Kevin.
And a special "thank you" to all those angels who have been supportive during this Trevino-Alfieri saga. I don't need to give specific names. You know who you are.
Some of these angels are still an important part of my life while others have left in not the best of terms. It really does not matter. What I know is that they have all touched my life in a meaningful way - they have helped me become who I am in the world today.
Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.