Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties. As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.
Late January 2011
I never expected our relationship to take the turn it took. As soon as we decided to make the film "Looking for Clarissa" (formerly "Looking for Clara"), our relationship went from, best friends and lovers to betrayal and legal battles. Although it did not happen immediately, he turned into a totally different person in only three months!
It was surprising to me how Victor's behavior started to change in early February 2011. He became very focused. It was evident that he wanted to make a film. He saw it as his only way out of his desperate financial situation. He had to do something so he would not lose his home in California. As soon as I sold my condominium in early February, he knew I had the money to produce the movie and help him save his home.
Victor became even more sexual with me. He wanted to have sex every single time we met. Sometimes he would call me to come over just for that reason. I remember one specific time, he said "can you come over now?" I said, "right now?" He replied, "yes, right now! I need a ride." I said, your car broke down again, you need me to take you to the mechanic?" He said, "no, I need to ride YOU." I found that funny. He would always say that he rode me instead of me riding him... that made me laugh every time.
Now when I think why he was demanding sex more often, I realize that he probably wanted me closer to him to make sure he would get the money for the movie and I would not back out. Whatever it was, it does not matter anymore. He knew how much I loved him and that I would do anything for him.
First Signs of Paranoia
I first noticed Victor's paranoia when we had a problem with Rachel Kennedy, one of the original investors. She decided to pull out her investment. She accused Victor of being a manipulator and a user. I took Victor's side, of course. Because I loved him, I defended and protected him.
I did tell Victor about this email that Rachel sent to me. He then demanded to see it and to see my reply to her. Please see text messages below. Victor and I had our first real fight because of this. He did not believe I had stood up for him and defended him. I should have listened to what Rachel was communicating through her email. She was smart to get out. I, on the other hand, got deeper into it.

I asked Victor if he ever slept with Rachel. She was (and still is) a beautiful woman. I would have understood if he said yes. In fact, I expected him to admit it. However, he denied it and said that he had not and would NEVER have sex with her. Then he started comparing her to me, telling me I was beautiful and natural... and she was not. I am an intuitive woman. And I am not dumb. I knew there was more than what Victor wanted to admit. I opted to not ask anymore.
After Victor took my money, right before he sued me, I met with Rachel and asked her if she ever slept with him. She immediately said yes. Of course! that makes more sense. She also stated that Victor was a monster. I did not know what she meant by that... But I sure found out when he sued me and the scandal he created traveled the world.
For more about this subject, go to "Paranoia and Delusion"
Victor asked me for a loan to save his home. He needed to refinance his first mortgage and pay off a second loan. Originally, I was going to lend him the money and have a formal contract to make it official and to protect me. He decided to add the amount he needed as a loan (about 14,000) to the production budget. Please see text messages below.
In order for him to get the money from me to save his home, we had to raise the budget from $115,000 to $130,000. I did not mind doing this for my man. I would have done anything for him... And I did.
Please go to "The Loan" for more information about this subject and to watch a great video.
We were still very close and intimate up to the time he left, when I took him to the LAX airport in early April. I did notice that he had a short temper and little patience. I justified his anger and frustration with lack of sleep and a high level of stress. I loved this man and was not to add any more stress to his life. I was nice and accommodating to him during the pre-production of our movie.
The last time we were intimate was right before he left for Italy in early April. I never thought that it would be the last time he and I were to be together - physically and emotionally.
Read "Filming in Italy" for more information about what happened in Italy.
In Italy
I have already covered this point in another post. Please go to "The Break-Up" to learn what happened in Italy when our romantic/intimate relationship officially ended.
Please go to "The Loan" for more information about this subject and to watch a great video.
Stress and End of Intimacy
February, March, April and May of 2011 were very stressful months for Victor, me and anyone involved in the production of "Looking for Clara." Victor was working really hard to get everything ready for the filming in Italy.We were still very close and intimate up to the time he left, when I took him to the LAX airport in early April. I did notice that he had a short temper and little patience. I justified his anger and frustration with lack of sleep and a high level of stress. I loved this man and was not to add any more stress to his life. I was nice and accommodating to him during the pre-production of our movie.
The last time we were intimate was right before he left for Italy in early April. I never thought that it would be the last time he and I were to be together - physically and emotionally.
Filming in Italy
We had to pretend we were not and had never been "together" when we were filming in Italy. I played that part very well. Many of the cast and crew suspected that there was more between Victor and I. They asked Victor repeatedly. I believe that his lie got bigger and bigger, every time he had to justify our "relationship." Why would someone believe in an actor who had never directed a movie before? Who would risk that type of money just as an "investment"? There must me more of a relationship. That is what people started to believe... Of course, because it was the TRUTH.Read "Filming in Italy" for more information about what happened in Italy.
Breaking Up

I have already covered this point in another post. Please go to "The Break-Up" to learn what happened in Italy when our romantic/intimate relationship officially ended.
Back in the US
Although our romantic and sexual relationship ended when we officially broke up in Rome, we were still to break up our business relationship and friendship. Because just going through that final break-up was journey to hell itself, I feel I should dedicate an exclusive post just to that. Please go to "Friends With Benefits"
See Text Messages Below.
Text Messages
Our Last "personal" Text Messages
Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.
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