When I embarked in this journey of becoming the Executive Producer and sole financier of an independent movie I never expected that the experience would change my life forever.
I did not expect that the man I loved and trusted would become my worst enemy. And what I never remotely imagined was that I would be perceived as the "villain" of this movie project. Members of the cast and crew who were in communication with me opted to end their relationship with me and resume their friendship with Victor Alfieri. They must have their own reasons. I will not speculate on what those reasons could be.
That is why I decided to write this post. This specific post is dedicated to everyone I met during this film project or those who were or are connected to it.
Manuela Morandi
Manoela Morandi and Adriana Trevino
I know you have known Victor for over twenty years. You used to date. I also know that you had very serious problems and stopped talking to him for many years. I don't know what he did to you but you found it in your heart to forgive him. You reconciled and resumed your friendship years later.
If there is someone who could possibly understand what I have been through, that person is you. I just hope that one day I am able to forgive Victor the way you have forgiven him.
Manuela, you are a delightful person. I enjoyed meeting you and spending time with you. I appreciate everything you did to help with the production of the film.
Thanks for your generosity!
Adriana Trevino and Daniela Carloni |
Daniela Carloni
You are the person with whom I spent the most time during filming in Italy. I felt welcomed in your home. We spent countless hours running errands and talking. You confided in me... and so did I. You cried on my shoulder and I listened to you. I felt I had found a good friend in you.
I know that you are Victor's mother and must take his side - even if you know what truly happened. I understand. I just hope that one day you can stand up to him and help him see that using people and lying will not get him anywhere.
I don't want to believe that your friendship was not genuine and that you were plotting this whole thing with Victor. I feel, in my heart, that you are a good person and that what you offered me, when I was in Italy, was a genuine friendship.
------ 2014 Update -----
Daniela, it is now clear to me that you were there to help Victor achieve his goals and were never my friend. I hope that this experience has taught you something. I have learned one of the biggest lessons in my life.
Cristina Attanasio
I appreciate everything you did on set. Your willingness to help and be there everyday did not go unnoticed...at least not by me. I know that you did not ask for any monetary compensation for your work. You offered your help generously and from your heart. I will be forever thankful.
I also want to acknowledge you. You stood up for the truth. I applaud you for that. It is very easy to pretend that nothing happened to avoid "conflict." Thanks so much for your honesty and your continued support.
Adriana Trevino and Roberto Moscioni |
Roberto Moscioni
It was such a pleasure to work with you. Although you and I did not spend much time together or talked much, I appreciated your smiley face every time I said hello to you.
Thanks for all your hard work during the filming of "Looking for Clarissa." You are talented. I do wish you a prosperous career in filmmaking.
Lorenzo di Nola
I know it was challenging for you during the filming of the movie. I witnessed how Victor treated you and the conflicts between you two. You handled the situation in a very professional manner. You stayed with us and finished the work even after Victor had let you go. Thanks for doing that. We would have not finished the film without you.
Robert Madison
" I Robert Madison, declare as follows: I worked on the film Looking for Clara directed by Victor Alfieri, contrary to the allegations against Alfieri, the shooting of the film was never a nightmare, Alfieri was not abusive to either the cast or crew, and at no time were any members of the cast or crew subjected to any dangerous conditions, I never saw Alfieri making sexual advances or demands on any of his cast. Alfieri worked really hard on the set, he was very professional and made everyone at ease. I am looking forward to be working with him again in other future projects" Robert Madison
I am glad you did not get to witness any abusive behavior or dangerous conditions. You were only on set two or three times. You cannot talk for all cast and crew and affirm that he made "everyone" at ease. I, as the executive producer, was the one who had to deal with constant complaints and conflict due to Victor's unprofessional and abusive behavior.
It is odd that your name is listed in the insurance policies purchased for the production of
"Looking for Clarissa"(formerly "Looking for Clara"). Why would you be the holder of such policies? Anyway, those policies have expired and there is no point in speculating about the reasons.
It is clear, however, that you are a very good friend of Victor's and were there to be supportive and help produce this film. I thank you for that.
Luisa Lemma
Thanks so much for the beautiful work you did with Set Decoration. It is my understanding that you offered your services at no cost. I appreciate your generosity.
Laura Gigante
I am glad you had a good experience filming with us. You did not get to witness the challenging moments we went through. I am aware that you do know some of the things that happened with Victor and some female cast. I understand you prefer to stay out of it.
Thanks for your positive attitude and for being part of this production.
Simone Spinazze
You gave a statement clearing Victor of any wrongdoing during the torture scenes. Simone, you were NOT there during the filming of all the torture scenes. You only did one scene and you were gone. You were not there for Nicole's scene. I was there. You also stated that you had a lead role. I am sorry to tell you that your role was not a lead, but a supporting role.
Regardless of how small your role was, I want to thank you for your hard work and commitment to the movie. I feel that you were not acknowledged properly while we were in production. So I am expressing my appreciation and gratitude to you through these lines.
Aline Ochoa and Filippo Valle |
Aline Ochoa
I know what happened between you and Victor. I understand that you did not want to tell me. Victor probably told you not to say anything to me.
I also know that you did want to remain friends with me but decided not to because of all this conflict. A friendship cannot be built on lies or concealed facts. So, our friendship was never meant to be.
Thanks so much for the book you gave me and for the brief friendship.
I do wish you happiness and success.
Max Trevis
Thanks so much for being so open and honest to me. I would have never known the truth of what happened if it had not been for you. I know that you did not want to start any conflicts. You only wanted to tell the truth out of respect to me, to yourself and to the cast and crew. I truly appreciate it.
I remember you told me that I was a lady and should be treated as such. I thank you for always treating me with the highest respect and honesty.
I sure hope we can work together again.
Buddy Allen
Thank you so much for becoming a member of the production crew and traveling to Italy with us. I know you took this job because you wanted to work with Max. I totally understand. I would also feel honored to work with Max... And that is how I felt about "Looking for Clarissa."
Adriana Trevino and Filippo Valle |
Filippo Valle
It was nice meeting you and working with you. I know you were a key person in the production of this movie. Thanks for all the hard work and support you provided.
I am aware of your close friendship with Victor and your loyalty to him. I am sure he has repeated his delusional story about me to you again and again. It is true that Victor is free to say and believe whatever he pleases.... But remember - you are also free to make your own decisions based on your own truth and integrity.
I wish you lots of success.
Adriana Trevino and Marco Bonini
Marco Bonini
You are such a sweetheart. You are the nicest, most pleasant person to have around. I feel fortunate to know you. It is too bad that we cannot have more of a friendship because of Victor.
I respect the fact that you have had a friendship with him for many years. He is so lucky to have you as a friend.
Thanks so much for being part of the cast in our movie. And thank you for being kind to everyone.
What a beautiful person you are!
Andrea Miraglia and Adriana Trevino |
Andrea Miraglia
You did such an amazing job as the steady cam operator. You worked long hours and never complained. But what you were even more amazing at was your attitude - you always had the best attitude!
I want to acknowledge you for being calm, polite and positive even through the most conflictive times during production.
I can tell you, without hesitation, that you were everyone's favorite during the filming of "Looking for Clarissa." We all love you!
Rachel Kennedy
You were one of the investors for the movie "Arturo Bond." I confess that knowing that there was another person helping finance Victor's movie made me feel more comfortable. It is unfortunate for me that you decided to leave - and I guess, fortunate for you to have avoided all this drama.
I should have listened to your warnings about Victor. I wanted to believe he was an honest person and would not betray me the way he eventually did. Thank you for your honesty when we finally were able to talk about all this freely.
I appreciate your friendship and admire your commitment and dedication to humane causes - finding homes for all those puppies shows your kindness and generosity.
I hope we can continue being friends.
Sergio d'Amato
Sergio d'Amato - still from his movie "Everybody Dies" |
You were so interested in producing this movie. It was really strange the way you pulled out of the project. One minute you were in, the next you were totally out and disappeared.
Victor claimed that you and he were not talking anymore. He told me that he was happy you left because you wanted to control the production and the budget. I personally believe that you and Victor planned it this way. I believe you two thought it was best to have me risk my money while you could save yours and only invest later if the movie actually was completed.
It is true that I don't know what really happened and why you decided to leave this project. It does not matter. What happened is in the past and cannot be changed. We all move on to new things.
I do wish you success in all your business endeavors.
Marco Cuadros
I would like to write words of gratitude to you. But I cannot lie. I am very disappointed in you. I believe that a mature man like you, with so many years of experience in the business would have handled this conflict much better. I am not judging you. I am just expressing my disappointment.
When I confided in you and told you about my intimate relationship with Victor and my concerns about his behavior and the handling of post-production, you rushed to his apartment to tell him. I do not know what you and he discussed. I was not there. What I know is that immediately after you talked to him, Victor went to the bank, withdrew MY money, concealed it, disconnected his phone and disappeared.
I am not blaming you for what Victor did. What I know is that when I contacted you several times after this incident, all I got from you was hostility.
I hope you are now making choices that are right for you and that will help you grow personally and professionally. I truly do.
Best to you.
---- 2014 Update ---
You stopped representing Victor? You are not his manager anymore? What happened? I wonder if your decision to drop him as a client had anything to do with this blog. Whatever the reason is, I do wish you happiness and success.
Apollonia Kotero |
Apollonia Kotero
I don't know why you helped Victor plot against me. You were listed as one of the witnesses against me. You and Victor were trying to set me up for "slander." As a witness you would claim that I contacted you and that I "slandered" and "defamed" Victor as a director/producer causing his loss of that movie deal ("The Dreamer") with "your" production team.
What I am writing here are not unfounded accusations. In fact, I am sure you deliberately planned this. You claimed not to be friends with Victor and that you were trying to contact him because he was MIA (missing in action), when in fact you were immediately forwarding to him all communications between you and me. Victor's attorney submitted "discovery" showing your continuous communication with Victor the very same day you claimed you had not talked to him and did not know where to find him.
I personally believe that you have an intimate relationship or very close friendship with Victor and that is why you agreed to do this. I also believe that you really care about him and thought that you would be helping him by setting me up because you probably believed the delusional story he told you about me.
If you really love somebody, a way to help them is to motivate them to act with respect and integrity, not with dishonesty and deceit. And remember, love, honesty and respect start with ourselves. That is the only way we can offer it to others.
Brian J. Cavanaugh
You are a new addition to the team. I have not had the opportunity to meet you. You are, in fact, the only member of the cast and crew on this post that I have not met personally. I am including you because you play an important role in this project and story.
You were hired by Victor Alfieri to edit the movie. You have been paid more than any other crew member (other than Alfieri) to perform your work. Alfieri now claims that you are still owed money and that you should be paid that remaining money first position with a 20% on top of that. Alfieri also says that, in addition, you will be getting an Executive Producer credit. I have responded to Alfieri several times informing him that I do not agree with any of this. You have been paid for what you have done. Whatever is owed to you can be paid as deferred payment (2nd position), no EP credit.
I tried to verify payments made to you, first through Alfieri and then through you. When I tried to email you a message, I got an undeliverable notice alerting me that you had blocked my email address and were rejecting any messages coming from me. Why would you do that? Do you have anything to hide? Fortunately, I was able to use another email address to send you the message. And still, you did not reply.
Victor Alfieri paid you with cashier's checks and cash for your work. This seems very suspicious. That is the reason why I demanded Alfieri to give me signed written agreements and affidavits from you (and other people involved in the film project) verifying the amounts paid.
Brian, blocking the email address of the Executive Producer of the movie you are working on, accepting cash and cashier's checks while refusing to provide an affidavit of money paid to you, demanding EP credit after receiving payment... all these things are not professional and seem very suspicious.
I surely hope that this is not the way you conduct business when you work on other film projects.
Roger Muse
I am aware that you withdrew as Victor's legal counsel for the lawsuit Christine filed against him and Bondolini Productions. I wonder if it was your decision or if Victor let you go. Was it because you learned the truth about Victor? Is it because Victor did not have any more money to pay you?
Did you know that Victor used the money he took from me to hire you to sue me???? The main issue was that money he took without my authorization. That is why he claims he sued me - for calling him a "thief." You, as his attorney, should have advised him that using the money I invested in the production to hire an attorney to sue me was clearly breach of contract and conversion.
Did Victor lie to you about this, about where he got the money to pay you? Did he lie to you about the intimate relationship he had with me? During his deposition were you surprised to see all those text messages and facebook chats proving that he and I were indeed sexually involved? And what about the hilarious stories he came up with - the Facebook Hacker, the 8 Impersonators and my texting "myself"??? Did you still believe his outrageous stories after all the ridiculous justifications he gave to evidence he did not expect I would submit during his deposition?
I am aware that I will probably never get answers to all these questions. All I know is that you stopped representing him. And that is fortunate for you because I strongly believe that in civil cases, attorneys are "extensions" of their clients. In other words, by being Victor Alfieri's legal representative you became a projection of his lies and unethical behavior.
I wish you continued success in your career as an attorney.
Manuel Saint Martin
I don't know the details of the settlement with the party that sued Victor Alfieri. What I know is that on May 28th, 2013 a notice of settlement and request of entry of dismissal were entered in court.
Being an accomplished psychiatrist as well as an attorney you were probably able to get him to understand that it was best to put the weapons down and cease the fire.
I would just advise that you make sure you review any facts or evidence Alfieri presents to you before you decide to represent him again in any legal matter. Alfieri has a tendency to omit or twist important facts. As a result, his multiple versions of "what happened" become a convoluted, confusing, contradictory mess.
------ 2014 update ------ Please read
Advocating for Justice
After having the short interaction with you over the phone in February 2014, I really don't know what to think of your involvement in this production. Due the nature of my profession as a court interpreter, I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of attorneys- and I do mean hundreds, probably over one thousand attorneys. I have seen many attorneys excel in what they do while others fall short. Even when some attorneys are not the best litigators, they do their best to represent their client and to communicate with the opposing party.
I can certainly say that what I experienced with you during our phone interaction was shocking to me. I have never seen an attorney behave in such a rude, condescending, abusive and threatening manner. I sure hope your clients and parties involved in the cases you handle receive better treatment from you.
Margarette M. Mow
I do not know what type of relationship you have with Victor Alfieri, but you agreed to be his legal representative in the copyright infringement claims against me. It is clear that you don't have all the facts about the case and you were willing to believe Alfieri's side of the story without verifying the validity of his claims.
Do you really want to represent a person who has committed perjury during his deposition, a man who uses women to get money and special favors, a man who disrespects and attacks those who have helped him and who have been generous to him???? Before you embark in a legal journey to "protect" Alfieri, take some time to read this blog. You will find it very interesting.
Adriana Trevino, Joshua Fine and Manoela Morandi |
Joshua Fine
You told me several times that I was the person who was making this movie a reality. I just wish you had done something to reflect that on the contract I signed. You knew that the contract was not granting me all the rights I was entitled to as the sole financier of the film. Isn't it the responsibility of an attorney to do so???? Well, you were not my attorney and did not have to protect my rights.
I want to thank you for caring about the movie and for being part of the project. I am completely aware that you are one of the few people who really wants to see this film completed and distributed and who wishes this terrible legal battle had never happened.
Nicole Sienna
Nicole Sienna and Adriana Trevino |
I know you are currently busy with other projects and have put this bad experience behind. I am happy your career is developing and you are doing well.
What I want to tell you is that no actor or actress should go through what you experienced on set during the filming of "Looking for Clarissa." I acknowledge you for speaking up and for telling me about Victor's inappropriate behavior towards you. It is unfortunate that you were later "punished" for speaking your truth and for voicing your concerns. I am so sorry I was not able to do more for you at that time.
I also understand that you want to remain "neutral" and would like to avoid further conflict. There is no point in bringing up the past. But there is also no point in denying what really happened. It can simply be acknowledged, forgiven... and the chapter can be then closed.
I wish you the best... I truly do!
Adriana Trevino and Clark J. Gable |
Clark J. Gable
You were probably the most honest to me when telling me about your concerns on set. I know you hesitated to voice any complaints because you knew I was the Executive Producer.
When you got very sick, I was so worried about you and your wellbeing. I had to fight with Victor to take you to a doctor. I witnessed many things that were not acceptable. I can say that Victor's behavior towards you was sometimes abusive.
I know you signed an affidavit stating that your experience filming "Looking for Clarissa" was a pleasant one. You must have your reasons why you do not want to disclose what truly happened. I don't need to know those reasons. We all know what happened on set.
I am happy you are the new host of the show Cheaters. I wish you success and happiness.
Joel Moody
Joel Moody and Adriana Trevino |
I do not believe I know you who you really are. When we met, you seemed like a very nice Texan boy. You were so kind and seemed interested in developing a friendship with me. You started to get closer to me when we were filming in Italy. This created conflict with Victor. Remember what a big deal he made out of your rubbing my shoulders when I had a stiff neck? Victor actually forbade me from talking to you or spending time with you. I thought that he was simply jealous. He told me repeatedly not to get close to you, that you only were after my money because you had a script.
When Victor and I broke up, you offered your friendship to me again. You offered to help me move. You started to spend a lot of time with me. I confided in you. You also confided in me and told me a lot of things that happened on set. I believed you.
When TMZ made the scandal go viral you wrote to me - "
Adriana, Please don't worry so much....this will pass over and the tables will be turned. He will get his when the verdict comes out after the lawsuit is revieled and his lies are brought to the public. JM" I believed that you cared about me as a person and that we were good friends. You even attended my graduation!
And then, you gave this statement, "Shooting 'Looking for Clara' in Italy was by far the best experience in my life. I'm not concerned with any false accusations made about harm inflicted on the cast and crew, those can be sent to the wind. I can't wait to see the final product! Calcata was such an amazing village, words are hard to describe it and this movie is going to be a must see for all the thriller fans out there!" You, yourself told me that you thought Victor had gone insane and you thought he could kill you. You added that you would become my star witness, that you had numerous emails to your dad stating that you were afraid of Victor and that you witnessed his aggressive and erratic behavior.
During Victor's deposition I learned that you and Victor had been VERY good friends this whole time. So, were you spying on me for him? Why would you pretend to be my friend? You also pretended to be friends with Roxane. I guess I will never know. I can honestly say that learning the truth about you made me really sad because I did care about you as a friend. I truly did.
Christine Kelley
You are very talented and the reason why I decided to invest my money in this movie. My understanding was that you would co-direct and edit the entire film. It was disappointing to see how Victor would not consider your input when he should have.
I am so sorry you had to go through such a challenging experience while filming this movie. I remember how you would constantly tell Victor, "please tell the kids (Clark, Joel and Nicole) that they are doing a good job. The've been working so hard." Victor would refuse to do so.
You were the one who opened my eyes to what was truly happening. I could sense it but did not have enough proof until you and I talked. I will be forever grateful for that.
I can say, without a doubt, that this sour experience with Victor was worth it because you and I met.
Thanks for being a true friend!!!
Update May 5, 2015 -- I am not sure what happened to our friendship or if we actually had a friendship. Many of the things that Victor said about you were true although I did not want to believe them. I will never forget when you told me to be careful and not share what Victor did to me. I asked you why and you responded that because it would give people ideas. "Ideas?" I asked, you said "yes, on how to take advantage" of my generosity. And that is something that you certainly did. It really does not matter anymore. I just hope that you find peace in your heart.
Roxane Davis
Adriana Trevino and Roxane Davis |
You are the greatest gift I received from this filmmaking experience. I did not expect that I would be developing such a wonderful friendship with you.
I have witnessed your generosity and willingness to help others. Thanks for the opportunity to work with you on different projects and for simply being such a great friend!
I feel so fortunate to know you and to have you in my life. You have brought so much fun and laughter... even during tough times.
You are truly amazing!
Special Message to All of YOU
There is only one truth. And at the same time, there are countless interpretations for it as well as points of view. In other words, facts are facts... but the interpretation of the facts will be different for each person.
Speaking up and telling the truth could sometimes be perceived as confrontational and conflictive when it challenges someone else's interpretation of the facts.
There is actually no conflict in speaking the truth - your truth - the way you perceive it. The real conflict occurs when you go against your own self in order to please or "help" someone else in the name of "friendship," "loyalty," or "love."
I am sharing this with you because I did it. I concealed the truth because I thought I was avoiding conflict and helping someone I loved. If I had spoken truthfully about my relationship with Victor since the first day we started production, this scandal would have not erupted.
Take an honest look inside of you. What is the truth? What is your truth? Are you compromising your integrity by talking yourself into what you think others want you to believe or do? Are you not speaking your truth thinking you are protecting someone by doing so?
During my deposition, I stated - "there is NOTHING to protect from the truth." And this is one of the most insightful lessons I have learned with this experience.
Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.