
If your name has been mentioned on any of the posts of this blog and you would like to have it omitted or removed, please contact me directly. --- Adriana Trevino

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A New Beginning

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Today I decided to change the name of my blog from "The Trevino-Alfieri Story" to "The Trevino Story." There was something unsettling about having my last name linked to Victor's by a hyphen. Although I am still litigating this lawsuit against him, I no longer want to have my name associated with his - at least, I do not want to create more posts on my blog under that combined name.

After all, it is my story. I am aware that I am the only person who sees the world the way I do. Therefore, I have a unique way to interpret the events that happened and continue happening .

Because I truly enjoy writing, I want to feel free to write about other subjects not related to Alfieri.  As some of you know, over a year ago, I started another blog "Who Is Writing Your Story?" That blog has had very few visitors. I remember talking to some friends and saying, "why do people go to the drama-filled Trevino-Alfieri Story when they can read something inspiring and uplifting on my other blog "Who's Writing Your Story?"

It seems like people are naturally drawn to drama. It is just human nature. That is the reason why about a year ago I decided to incorporate some of my realizations and insights that were intended for "Who's Writing Your Story?" in this blog. Why not offer some "entertaining" drama while also sharing valuable and inspiring messages?  And why not change the name of this blog to something that is more accurately descriptive of its contents?

Share Your Story

We all have a story to tell. Although some stories might resemble others, each story is truly unique.  We are the only ones who can tell our story accurately - nobody else. We are the ones who write it and the only ones that can ultimately understand it and make sense of it. By sharing our thoughts and truth with others, we allow others to share theirs with us as well. It is through sharing and listening, that we open up to others. We are then able to realize how similar our experiences really are and how easily our souls can connect if we simply allow them.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Monday, December 15, 2014

First Amendment

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


By reading the title of this post, it could be inferred that I will be discussing the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which deals with freedom of speech, press and religion. Although that is not the case, it might seem appropriate as I write another post for this blog.

Because I filed a new lawsuit against Victor Alfieri, I am being very selective when disclosing information on developments on the case. The truth is that I have written about five different posts that are not published yet. I want to make sure it is the right time to share certain information publicly.

On November 7, 2014, I filed a First Amended Complaint. I shortened my complaint from 42 pages to 15. I removed Daniela Carloni and Black Knight Entertainment from the complaint. Why did I do so? Because Black Knight Entertainment is Alfieri himself doing business as such company, it is not appropriate to include Black Knight as an independent entity.

Daniela Carloni, Alfieri's mother, is no longer a defendant in this case not because I believe she is not responsible for what I contend in my original complaint, but because it would become costly for me to continue including her in the legal action. Plus, proving that there is jurisdiction to have her as a defendant when she resides in Italy and having papers served to her would add to the work I have to do.

For First Amended Complaint, please read below.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Guardian Angels

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

Do You Believe in Angels?

I do. Because I grew up catholic, my belief in angels was something that developed in a very natural, organic way.  When I was about 6 years old, I was having terrible nightmares that were keeping me up at night. After telling my mom about this, she suggested I prayed before going to bed. She told me that we all had a guardian angel who protected us at all times.  My mom also bought me this beautiful porcelain angel that she placed right above my bed. My nightmares immediately ceased.

What are angels?

After reading many definitions for "angel" from different sources, I chose the simple definition google offers.

an•gel   /ˈānjəl/

1. a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
2. a person of exemplary conduct or virtue.
3. a person who supports a business financially, typically one who invests private capital in a small or newly established enterprise.

I have encountered many "human"angels in my life - from my childhood best friend to two total strangers who came to my rescue when my car got stuck in the snow on a bitter cold Minnesota winter day.

We also have probably been "angels" to at least one other person in our life.  Just think about how your actions and your simple presence affect your surroundings and every single person who interacts with you. These people that are touched and affected by your actions and energy also have the same effect on others. It is like a domino effect. Well, I would describe it more like a source or "core" that branches out in every direction and multiplies exponentially.

According to the definition provided by google, there is an "angel" who financially supports newly established enterprises. We could say then that I was an "angel" to the production of "Looking for Clarissa" - at least an "angel INVESTOR." Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had chosen to not invest in this film. I start thinking of all that money I spent on the production of the film and on attorneys I hired to litigate this case... the money I lost in business due to Alfieri's slanderous allegations. I would have close to $500,000 in the bank!... Or would I? Does it really matter?

What matters to me is that when I decided to put money in this project, I did it believing it was a good investment into a future I wanted - film production. I was also helping a loved one achieve his dream of becoming a film director.

I have been so fortunate to encounter so many angels in my life path. Some have come to help me learn valuable lessons. Others have come to simply keep a door toward new ideas and opportunities open so I can walk through it.

Because we are angels to one another, we always have the opportunity to be generous and kind with our actions.  A selfless act of kindness is certainly angel-like behavior.

Thank you  - Mom, dad, Teresa, Karla, Marcela, Norma, Fernando, Sandra, Flor, Eloisa, Lourdes, Ken, Jason, Diana, Marjorie, Angie, David, Vivian, Gina, Arthur, Brian, April, Natalie, Alessia, Erik, Raul, Jorj, Tieg, Carlos, Jaime, Mike, Natalia, Hugh, Noel, Ian, Martha, Ka, Andrea, Erica, Jenna, Zee, Marco, Mary, Ricardo, Laura, Matt, John, Can, Christine, Roxane, Eva, Miguel, Marianne, Frances, Debra, Hass, David, Brad, Patricia, Dan, Becky, Sharon, Angelica, Alan, Bobby and Kevin.

And a special "thank you" to all those angels who have been supportive during this Trevino-Alfieri saga. I don't need to give specific names. You know who you are.

Some of these angels are still an important part of my life while others have left in not the best of terms. It really does not matter. What I know is that they have all touched my life in a meaningful way - they have helped me become who I am in the world today.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Friday, October 10, 2014

From the Midwest to Hollywood

I have always liked California and its beautiful weather all year round. Being in California always gave me a sense of freedom and being on vacation. I had been visiting Los Angeles for many years before I decided to get an apartment in the LA metro area in 2009.  It seemed like the sensible thing to do since I was to start a Master's in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica and had also started working with GATE (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment).

I had been living in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota) for many years and was ready for a change. To be totally honest, I have never really moved 100% to Los Angeles. Because I have a business in Minnesota and that is where my source of income is, I have always kept my legal residence there.

We could say I am still a Minnesotan - an "adopted" Minnesotan who loves the lakes, cheers for the Vikings and the Twins... and constantly talks about the weather, especially when winter hits.

The weather is almost always beautiful in California - a real paradise. It is irrefutable that Los Angeles  is different from the midwest, specifically Hollywood and its Entertainment Industry - so different that it could be a different planet.

I remember having lunch with Jason, someone I had recently met at the time. He had been an actor and lived in LA for a long time. He told me he could not take it anymore, that he had to move away. So he did. He happened to be visiting when he and I met. I also remember he looked at me and said with a concerned tone in his voice, "just don't let Hollywood get to you. Don't forget who you are. Don't lose yourself by becoming Hollywood."  I remember not really understanding what he was saying, especially with becoming"Hollywood." Now I know exactly what he meant.

After five years in Los Angeles, the following is a list of some of the things with which I have become involved since I stepped into the "Entertainment Industry."

1) Transformational Entertainment
2) Event Production
3) Public Relations
4) Six movie projects
5) Two talk shows
6) Script development
7) Work with best-seller authors
8) USM (University of Santa Monica)
9) Two lawsuits
10) A Hollywood scandal that came and left - soon forgotten by everyone (but me)
11) TMZ

The last three things mentioned on the list above might not seem like very positive experiences. Some of my friends and acquaintances in Minnesota feel bad for what I have gone through and ask me to go back "home" to Minnesota  ( 100% - full time) and forget about LA.

So Where is My Home Now????

I believe that a "home" is not a dot on a map. While a city might feel like a stable residence at a specific time in my life, in a few years I could be relocating somewhere else.  That does not mean that I have left my "home." After living in many cities and countries, I have learned that our true home remains unaltered because it is within us - it is in our heart. We take our home wherever we go.  We just have to  choose a geographical location where our spirit feels free to expand and evolve.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The "Soul" of the Judicial System

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential


-If you google "soul" and "justice" together, you will find countless links to books, quotes, articles, movements and humane organizations. There is very little mentioned when it relates to the courts system.  Why is that? Is it because the Judicial System, our system of justice has no soul?

Let's define some of these terms.  According to, "soul" and " justice" can be defined as:

-immaterial essence;
-a person's total self;
-the moral and emotional nature of human beings;
-spiritual or moral force.

-the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishment.
-the quality of being just, impartial or fair;
-conformity to truth, fact, or reason.

As to "Judicial System" also know as "Judiciary," I got this definition from

Judiciary - The branch of government that is endowed the authority to interpret and apply the law, adjudicate legal disputes, and otherwise administer justice.

As to my lawsuit against Alfieri ... About a month ago, I went to the Los Angeles Superior Court because Alfieri's attorney was filing an emergency ex-parte request to stay discovery. I did some research and consulted with two attorneys on what to do. Both attorneys told me to appear in court and that I would be able to speak to the judge and voice my opposition to such order.

When I arrived I was told that the judge assigned to my case was the only judge, or one of the few that did not take the bench for ex-parte hearings, that she only accepted written documents. Seriously? I am notified of this hearing the day before and Alfieri's attorney does not give me any documents specifying the legal basis for his petition? How am I supposed to respond in my opposition letter?

I asked if I  could handwrite it. The clerk told me that I could not do so. She was clearly losing her patience with me. She told me to go to the first floor and get some forms or to at least get pleading paper to write it down. She added, "I don't know if the judge will accept a handwritten document, plus it has to have the proper formatting."   I also asked if Alfieri's attorney had turned in any papers and the clerk said no.  "I still have time," I thought.

I went to the first floor, bought the paper and drafted the document with the correct formatting. When I went back to the courtroom, I handed the paper to the clerk. She then said, "I don't think the judge will accept this. It's too late." I could not believe my ears. Why would this clerk first tell me that the reason the judge would not accept my letter was because it was handwritten and later tell me that the reason  was because I was too late submitting it?

The clerk did not want to accept the piece of paper I was offering. I asked her to please talk to the judge and see if she would accept it.  My letter simply stated that I did not agree with that order - something that in other courtrooms is done in front of the judge. She went into the judge's chambers and less than a minute later she came right out. "No, she will not accept it. But she said that you had very nice handwriting."

I asked the clerk again, "when did it become too late to submit this?" She responded, at 8:30 when I opened the courtroom. So why make me go through all that????  I said, "the other attorney was not even here at 8:30 am." To my surprise Alfieri's attorney was sitting in the back of the courtroom. He claimed that he had been there the whole time. The clerk said, "yes, he has been here since 8:30."

The truth is that I did not see him at 8:35 when I stepped into the courtroom for the first time. I even asked the clerk about my case and she told me he had not submitted anything.  Why would she give contradictory statements?

I immediately went toward Jason L. Fisher, Alfieri's attorney, to greet him. He did not seem very happy to see me. I would like to share my impression of him, but I will reserve my opinion for now.... at least while this case is still pending.  The only thing I will say is this - Victor has found an attorney who will faithfully represent his interests, values and ethics. Victor made an excellent choice when hiring this specific attorney. I believe that Jason L. Fisher is the perfect attorney for him.

It is sad to realize that the last thing we can expect when dealing with the judicial system is to be treated with consideration and integrity.  It is really about "playing the game" and not about bringing justice.

I will seek more legal advice before proceeding. I need to be prepared for the "legal battle."

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nowhere to Hide

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


I remember back in 1993, when I was attending school, specifically an Information Technology course, we were discussing the future of the World Wide Web.  We were talking about companies transitioning to digitalized electronic communication and advertising.

We also discussed what ATT was proposing - a device that would allow to make video phone calls. It almost seemed like an impossibility back then. Only a decade later, Skype emerged. Now, we can make video calls with our iphones as well - not to mention, messenger, yahoo and so many other different Video Conference Platforms.

And what about Social Media? Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn are the first social networking websites that come to mind because I use them.  But we cannot forget other sites that have over 5 million users each, such as, Bebo, Buzznet, Care2, CaringBridge,, Cyworld, delicious, deviantART, Flickr, Flixster, Fotolog, Foursquare, Friends Reunited, Friendster, Gaia Online,, Google+, Habbo, hi5, Instagram,, LiveJournal, MyHeritage, MyLife, Netlog, Plaxo, Yammer, Yelp and Xanga.

We could say that every time we post something on our facebook wall or our twitter account, we are sharing it with the world. Our life somehow gets documented through the pictures and posts we and others post on the web. Even when we post a simple comment or a review - that also becomes part of our "history."

The internet has become an essential tool in routine background checks independently conducted. Have you googled any person you have dated? What about employees you have considered hiring? Companies or services you have planned on using? Places you dream of visiting? Everything and everyone is just a keystroke away.

We could say that everyone's life is somehow "documented" on the web.  Well, only for those who have interacted with the internet and their social network websites. There are people, like my mother, who are not best friends with technology and prefer to use more traditional ways of communication.

Texting and electronic mail have also become preferred methods of communication among many.
And because MOST people nowadays have at least an email account and a cellular phone with texting capabilities, there is practically "nowhere to hide." There is no real excuse to say, "I am not reachable." You can opt to not return emails or voice messages...  but to make a claim that those communications did not reach you??? Really?

It is also true that sometimes emails or text messages don't get delivered. I will not argue with that. But if you are really trying to contact somebody, wouldn't you try at least a couple of times?  I assure you that you will be able to have your message delivered.

Social media has become such an important part of our identity and life that there is a clear trend that will allow process service through social media or electronic mail.  Below there is an excerpt from an article by Legal Language Services:
"Facebook alone boasts a user base significantly larger than the entire population of North America. While service of process via such social media sources is not a mainstay of domestic service in the US, several countries have begun to adopt this as a method of service.
"In 2008, an Australian court first allowed for service of process via Facebook, and courts in New Zealand have followed suit. In 2012, a High Court Judge in the UK also approved service of process via Facebook.
"Even Twitter has been used to effect service in the UK. In September 2009, the High Court allowed an injunction against an anonymous blogger to be served via Twitter. A well-known British lawyer and conservative blogger, Donal Blaney, obtained an injunction after a previously-unknown blogger began impersonating him on the Internet.
"Canadian attorneys also routinely obtain orders to serve documents via Facebook when a defendant cannot be personally found or is actively trying to evade service."

Daniela Carloni, Victor Alfieri's mother, is one of the defendants in the lawsuit I filed last April. She lives in Italy. In order to serve her the summons and complaint, I had to follow the rules of the Hague Convention, as Italy is one of its signatories. Interestingly enough, Italy allows service via regular postal mail. An Italian attorney told me that in Italy, by law, all citizens must be registered under an "official" address. Legal documents that are delivered to that address are considered as "DELIVERED" - no signature needed.

Daniela Carloni was officially served in May 2014. She was served by priority mail, certified mail and email. She received the complaint and summons in both English and Italian. It has been over 60 days after her service. She has not responded.

Defendants typically have 30 days to respond. I am not sure how long Daniela has, as she lives abroad. She can claim that she needs time to respond. She could also claim that she did not receive the documents although I have clear proof of delivery by mail (2 separate deliveries). What she won't be able to claim is that she was not aware of the lawsuit.  Her only son is the main defendant in this case. The lawsuit involves the movie filmed in Calcata, where she resides. No judge would believe she had no idea this lawsuit had been filed.

Some people ask my why I sued Daniela. My complaint explains her involvement. You can read it by clicking on this link - Complaint.  What Victor and Daniela did, at least, what I believe they did, should be brought to a court of law and should be heard by a judge and jury. I don't believe people should be allowed to commit fraud through deceit and manipulation and get away with it simply because nobody is willing to do anything about it... or because it is time to move on.

This is my story. I do not blame anyone, not even Victor or Daniela for how the story turns out.  What happened in the past is done and cannot be changed. What we have now is the present... and a future that will eventually become the present.  I hold no resentment against anyone who has been somehow involved in this "story." I am proceeding with this lawsuit because it is what feels right for me. This is the way I find balance - by stepping away from the victim's position and standing up for my truth.

My life is my story. I am the one writing it. Nobody can write it for me. I refuse to be a victim of circumstances. Bad things don't happen to me. There is no such thing as a BAD experience.  A seemingly bad experience that knocks me to the ground simply happens so I can take a break, regroup and regain awareness of what truly matters to me.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Six Degrees of Separation

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


According to Wikipedia -
Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of a "friend of friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.
I could not agree more with this theory. In fact, I would not be surprised that new technology, social media networks and instant digital communication with even the most remote places worldwide, have resulted in a considerable decrease of that six-degree stretch.

Last week, I was trying to find an attorney in Rome to help me with my lawsuit. The film was shot in Italy and one of the defendants resides there. It made sense to me to get some legal guidance from someone who can navigate the Italian judicial system and who has handled cases such as mine... Maybe not exactly like mine, but cases that cross country borders.

I went to the Italian Embassy's website. The website provides a list of attorneys who are familiar and experienced with both the US and the Italian legal systems.  I wrote to all of them. Most of them replied immediately. A couple of them called me as soon as they read my message.

I have to admit that it was refreshing to talk and correspond via email with some of these Italian attorneys. They were very helpful and willing to listen. They were so animated when they talked... and that lovely Italian accent!

Because the attorneys I contacted were located in Rome, it was not so surprising that they knew of Calcata and have been there several times.  After all, it is just a 45 minute drive.  One of the lawyers said, "oh, Calcata, yes. I have been there many times. I go eat there often... beautiful place!"

I did not expect what was to happen when I googled two of the attorneys to whom I talked. I found their LinkedIn profiles. When I was about to request to connect with them, I realized that we already had over 100 connections in common.  This happened with both of the attorneys, not just one! Over 100 people in common! Who could ever imagine that!

Isn't it incredible how close we already are to people that we consider "strangers"?  Has it ever happened to you that you meet a person and when you request his/her friendship on Facebook, you realize you have at least one friend in common?... And this mutual friend lives in a different continent!

I believe that the theory of six degrees of separation is becoming increasingly evident. I would even dare to call it "six degrees of connectedness." If we had "imaginary" string and used it to individually connect to every single human being that we personally know... and if all these people were also to connect in the same manner to everyone they know, we would end up with a complex human network that covers the entire world, leaving nobody out.

It is just like our physical body. We have legs, arms, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, internal organs... that are somewhat independent but still part of a whole. It is the same with humanity although we sometimes seem to forget. So, let's reach out to our loved ones, our community, our nation, our neighboring countries.... and those who seem to be so far and unreachable. Remember that six degrees do not separate us... but connect us all. In reality, we could not be closer to one another... We are one.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Service

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

What Is Service?

According to the official Los Angeles Superior Court website -
The law says that when you sue a person, partnership, corporation, or the government, you must give formal notice to the other side that you have started the legal process. In the same way, when you are already involved in a case and file papers with the court, you are required to give the other side notice of the paperwork you have filed. The legal way to give formal notice is to have the other side “served” with a copy of the paperwork that you have filed with the court. This is called “service of process.”
"Service of process" means that the other side must get copies of any paper you file with the court.  In “service of process” a third person (NOT you) is the one who actually delivers the paperwork to the other side.  The person who does this is called the “server” or “process server.”
Until the other side has been properly "served," the judge cannot make any permanent orders or judgments.
Process Servers can be: a friend/relative, county sheriff/marshal, professional process server, or anyone over 18 who is NOT part of the case. 

How I Got Him Served

After filing the complaint in court on April 15, 2014, I prepared copies to be delivered to Victor during the "service." Because I could not serve the papers myself and did not necessarily want to wait for the Sheriffs to deliver the papers to Victor, I got a couple of friends to help me with this task. I asked my dear friend Becky, who has worked as a professional process server in the past to act as the official server. She agreed. I also contacted my friend Alan, a talented young man with experience behind the camera, to be the videographer. 

Why a videographer? Mainly, to have proof of the service. Victor has come up with so many excuses and incredible tales in order to avoid responsibility or accountability. I did not want him to deny being "served" just as he denied ever having an intimate relationship with me.

I honestly thought that serving Victor would be much harder. I thought he would be evasive. It was much easier than anticipated. The service was done smoothly and without any complications.  

About the Video

The video was shot by my friend Alan and edited by me. Although the specific portion of the "service" is real footage, the rest was shot for entertainment purposes.  It is intended to simply poke fun at this whole situation, and specifically The Hairbrush Incident covered by TMZ Hairbrush Attack.  

Because Victor had been attacked with a hairbrush, it made sense that he would be in a better position to protect himself from future attacks if he had a hairbrush of his own. So we brought one for him as a gift... along with the summons and complaint.

A Brush With the LAW

Therese Borchard wrote in PsychCentral about how our bodies, minds and spirits begin to "mend" with a dose of humor:
  1. Humor combats fear.
  2. Humor comforts.
  3. Humor relaxes.
  4. Humor reduces pain.
  5. Humor boosts the immune system.
  6. Humor reduces stress.
  7. Humor spreads happiness.
  8. Humor cultivates optimism.
  9. Humor helps communication.

And I would add one more to this list...

       10.  Humor reminds us that what we are experiencing is simply a story.

We get to choose what type of story we want to live - a drama with non-stop suffering? An adventure full of unexpected turns and thrills?  A love story? A light-hearted comedy?  

Finding humor, especially in difficult or challenging situations, can bring so much healing and a better perspective of things.  Who said that life is supposed to be a struggle with loss and distress? Life is FUN. Let's enjoy the ride!

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Part II - The Trailer

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Many people cannot believe that I have made the decision to sue Victor Alfieri again. Why would I do that? Am I a masochist? It is like starting the whole nightmare again.... or is it really?  I see it more like the Trevino-Alfieri Part II.

This time around is very different.  I am detached from what happened three years ago - even what just happened several months ago when I last communicated with Alfieri (through his PA).  I am not bitter, not at all.  I am not even upset or resentful of Alfieri for what he has done and continues doing. His actions are a different story. Such actions should not be tolerated by anyone... And that is why this lawsuit feels like the RIGHT thing to do.

I have learned to separate the person from the action. This is something that I started learning when I attended USM (the University of Santa Monica) but did not completely comprehend or truly experienced it until recently.  I remember talking to Ron (my professor) when I was still a first-year student, I said to him, "By the time I graduate I will be able to forgive my ex-husband." Ron quickly responded, "why wait? You can forgive him right now!"

People cannot be defined by others or by mere circumstances. They are not defined by their past mistakes or actions.  By separating people from their behavior and actions, I have learned to forgive them while forgiving myself.  What happened in the past, is in the past.

Although there is nothing anyone can do to change the past, there are certainly things that can be done to make amends. We are responsible for our own choices. We can choose to forgive... while still choosing to fight for justice.

So this is how this Part II of the story begins - by standing for the truth.

The video below is a celebration of a new beginning - a celebration of a NEW story!

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Above the Law

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


When I started my relationship with Victor Alfieri in 2010, he told me about all these different issues he had at that time. He was losing his California home, was getting very little work as an actor and had some debt. He showed me a court notice for a hearing to which he had to appear. It had to do with money that a credit card company was trying to collect from him.

He told me that he did not owe that money, that it was his ex-wife's debt, that she had maxed out their credit cards. I remember asking him what items had been purchased with the money owed. He pointed at his big screen tv, at the furniture. I smiled at him and said, "well, you have the items, why do you refuse to pay?" He was clearly angry and started saying that it was his ex who made the purchases, that he was not responsible. Although I believed that he should pay the balance owed, I offered to call the credit card company and/or collection agency to try to get to an agreement before the court appearance.

I did get him a $600-700 reduction. I even got them to agree to take monthly installments. I told Victor  the good news. He was not happy and said he would fight and ask the judge to order his ex-wife to pay for this debt. I asked Victor if he had gotten any other court notices. He said no.  "Everyone has the right to give their side of the story," I thought. However, I still believed he should have taken that offer.

I went to court with Victor. We were sitting in the last row of the small courtroom. He kept mocking people who were approaching the bench when their cases were called. I told him to be respectful because we were in a courtroom. Finally his case was called. He approached and stood in front of the judge.  I was surprised to hear the judge talking non-stop without giving Victor a chance to say one word. I heard the judge state that Victor had ignored all the court notices sent to him. The judge also said that Victor had been given the opportunity to respond and did not do so.

When Victor requested the opportunity to address the court, the judge loudly said, "you already had an opportunity before. Judgment in favor of plaintiff."

When we were walking out of the courthouse, Victor admitted to having received notices from the court and having ignored them, thinking they were not a big deal. I told him that when an issue is brought to civil court, it goes from the hands of the "private" parties and put in the hands of the court system.  Those notices were coming from the COURT, from a judge, I explained.

It is my opinion that Victor Alfieri believes he is above the law. He already used "the law" against me. His lawsuit contained slanderous claims about me. He used my own money to finance that lawsuit. He pocketed additional money from the budget. He finished the movie and has no intention of ever reimbursing me for my investment. And he still believes the "law" cannot touch him...  that I should "move on" and let him get away with what he did and continues doing.

I filed a complaint against him, his mother, Daniela Carloni and his two production companies on April 15th, 2014.  Alfieri was served on April 16th, 2014. See post "The Service"  for video. He has not filed an answer in court yet.  He has until May 16th to respond.

Because I have filed a "verified" complaint swearing under oath that all the statements contained in the submitted document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, he also has to respond in a similar manner. He has to admit or deny each allegation (paragraph) of my verified complaint. And he also has to do it under oath.  It will be interesting to see his responses. I wonder if he would blatantly lie and deny facts or even statements the he, himself, previously gave under oath during his deposition.

Please go to bottom of the page for the complete complaint filed in court ---

Laws are created to govern our actions and behavior. Laws dictate what is "right" and what is "wrong," what is allowed and not allowed.  These laws are meant to protect our rights and wellbeing. In theory, laws are a great way to maintain balance and fairness. However, it is evident that there are flaws in every country's judicial system - Justice does not necessarily prevail every time.

There is an inherent "legal system" that rules human existence. It is our conscience - that inner voice that tells us when our behavior and actions are "right" or "wrong." We are our own judge. We are the toughest, least forgiving judge we will ever find. We know when we have done something that goes against our principles, morals and values. We know when we are hiding a dark truth. We are also the only ones who can ultimately forgive ourselves. That self-forgiveness can only be achieved if the "wrong" has been acknowledged and somehow rectified either with a sincere apology or proper amends for our actions. Everything can be forgiven - EVERYTHING - as long as we can regain our inner balance and peace through honest, kind, compassionate and generous actions towards others and ourselves.

Please click below [read more] for complete complaint

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Standing Up for the Truth

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


About one month ago, when I wrote my last post "Social Media," I was also writing something else... No, it was not my book. It was something that required lots of research and guidance from experts in the field.  It needed to follow a clear narrative with accurate facts and precise details. I spent about a week doing research and three days drafting this document. When I was done writing it, I could not believe it. I looked at my "masterpiece." I was proud of it. It was like one of those school projects - an essay, midterm or.... final paper that we need to complete in order to move forward to the "next level."

I still remember the day I finished it. It was a Thursday. It was March 20th. I had talked to a friend earlier that day. We were planning on going to a screening. I was almost done getting ready. I did my hair, my make-up, put on a nice dress and shoes... I was so happy to be done with my "writing project" and also excited to go out and celebrate that big accomplishment. As I was about to take a step back to check how I looked in the mirror, my body lost its balance. I felt as my right knee was giving in. It dislocated and twisted as I fell to the ground. The injury was major, considering that I was just standing and not making any drastic movements. It was so bad that I will be having surgery in a couple of days.

I probably overestimated what my physical body could endure. Sitting in front of the computer for hours with very little breaks cannot be good for anyone. I had also been working long hours on other projects related to my company. I had pushed myself to the limit - literally to the limit of what my physical body could take.

I was moving too fast, in such a big rush to get things done that I forgot to maintain my balance... my emotional and spiritual balance. This was reflected in my loss of physical equilibrium. A friend of mine said to me, "maybe it is the Universe telling you to slow down." It makes sense now. My "rushing" -  my impatience to speed things up reduced my awareness and prevented me from staying in the moment... in the NOW.

When this incident occurred, I thought that the injury I sustained would be a challenging obstacle that would inevitably delay any plans or projects I had at that time.  I was very upset and frustrated. I felt helpless. However, something amazing happened. Because this incident forced me to slow down, I came to truly appreciate my physical body. Our bodies are certainly a "gift" that we should never take for granted. I also had the time to review my "written project" and to make a firm decision as what I would do with it.

I have talked and written a lot about what my experience was like during this whole Trevino-Alfieri Saga. I have always stressed the importance of "Speaking Up" while doing it with integrity and honesty.  So I decided to speak up... this time, not only through the lines I write on this blog, but in a more formal and "official" way.

The written project I mentioned above is the official complaint for my new lawsuit against Victor Alfieri. In the early morning of April 15, 2014, I went to the Los Angeles Superior Court and filed my complaint against Victor Alfieri, Daniela Carloni (Victor's mother), Bondolini Productions and Black Knight Entertainment. The causes of action are: 1) Fraud in the Inducement; 2) Breach of Contract; 3) Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing; 4) Breach of Fiduciary Duty; 5) Constructive Fraud; 6) Conversion; and 7) Accounting.  Case BC542748

Although I will be consulting with legal counsel on how to proceed, what papers to file and to give me general guidance, this time I am going "pro se," without an attorney. Why am I representing myself? For the simple reason that I do not have the funds to hire counsel. Even if I had the funds - the legal fees to litigate this case would exceed any judgment I might receive.

So just because I do not have the funds to hire an attorney, does that mean that I have no legal recourse?  No!  I do have the right to have my case heard by a judge and/or jury. Because the statute of limitations is applicable to any cause of action, I had to make a firm decision to move forward in a timely manner. I am happy with my decision. I am aware of the implications of this legal path I have chosen. I am ready to move forward and stand for MY TRUTH.

Life has taught me that we are not alone in this world and that it is OK to reach out. I can invite others to take an active part in my personal dream - "my story."  Their participation in my story, however, will be limited. I am the only one who has ultimate control of my life. It is not fair to expect others to make major decisions for me and then get upset or blame them when things don't go as I expected. By taking full responsibility for how I have dealt with what has happened to me in the past, I am able to stand up in the present with full conviction that I am in charge of my life.

And as don Miguel Ruiz tells us, "if we don't like our story, we are the authors; we can change it." I have made a big decision with complete awareness of the path I have decided to take. I am sitting in the driver's seat, behind the wheel... I have just made a sharp turn... What an exciting journey life is!

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Social Media

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Today, while doing some research for my book, I decided to go and check Victor Alfieri's twitter account to see if I could find something that would help tell the story. I realized that he had not posted anything since last year. That hairbrush incident in December must have really affected his ability to write.

I remember visiting his twitter account back in the summer of 2012 because he and his attorney were ignoring all our communication when we were trying to set up the depositions. I heard from a friend of mine that he was in Italy. Then through his twitter account I learned that he was back in LA when on August 1, 2012, he posted "Back in LA."

He apparently went back to Italy to go collect receipts for expenditures that he had not provided me. He also went to Italy to get affidavits from cast and crew stating that they had not been abused or harassed and that there had been no conflict on set during the filming of "Looking for Clarissa."

Ok, I am looking at all his tweets right now. Let's have some fun and read some of what he posted during this Trevino-Alfieri Saga.

  • September 27, 2011, right after the scandal had hit TMZ he tweeted, "All Good in the Hood..."
  • October 3, 2011, "Thanks for all your love and support. V" Aww poor Victor.
  • December 14, 2011, "If you're kind & honest, people may accuse you of ulterior motives, just to destroy what you built. Still, we must be good, kind and honest!" This is a great tweet. Honest? Kind? He surely showed his honesty and kindness when he took my money and used it to hire an attorney to sue me making false scandalous allegations about me. 
  • July 11, 2012, "Who really knows me..matter..who doesn t know me..don t matter."
  • July 23, 2012, "Moving on...without looking back."
  • August 1, 2012, "Back in LA." 
  • August 2, 2012, "Thanks to my friends in La for their support and love. :-) " Poor Victor, he was getting ready to be deposed. He had suffered so much... but at least he had someone to pay for all the legal fees... ME!
  • August 5, 2011, "No matter how hard I get hit... i m still standing.. I m here.. Bring it on."
  • August 11, 2012, "Anyone can walk into my life and say they love me. It takes someone special to stay there and prove it" He wrote this only a couple of days before my deposition. Interesting... and let's read the next one from the same day.
  • August 11, 2012, "True love is a promise made in the heart...silent unbreakable by distance and unchangeable by time..." I told him many times that I loved him, and that it was true love... I wonder if he was unconsciously sending this message to me so I would break down during my deposition.
  • August 14, 2012, During my deposition, Victor Alfieri was sitting at the table where I was being questioned and he was tweeting away... He declared this day the happiest day of his life because he probably thought I would be afraid of him and would not dare to tell the truth.

  • August 22, 2012, "Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." Just 2 days after we had mediation. Our mediation went surprisingly well. He made promises that, of course, he eventually did not keep.
  • September 7, 2012, "Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway." Clearly Alfieri's philosophy, after claiming we were very CLOSE friends during his deposition, he can still not explain why he did what he did to me.
  • September 10, 2012, "When things are difficult I excel..."  I would probably reword it to, "When it comes to outwitting, skillfully taking other people's money and telling brilliant and creative stories, I excel..."

And now come the tweets after I started this blog.

  • January 18, 2013, "After filming....Victor Alfieri, Joel Moody, Clark James Gable...In Italy [attached video]. Why did he wait almost two years to post the video?
  • January 22, 2013. Victor actually wrote very nice quotes. It is too bad that he acts the opposite way. Victor was probably trying to use these quotes to show that he was not the person I was writing about on my blog. I do admit that these quotes hold profound truth and integrity.

Our life experience on this planet is just like attending school. We come here to learn and grow personally and spiritually. Before our birth, we willingly enroll in "earth" school. We come to this world with a personal curriculum that we are to fulfill. People we encounter in our lives become our teachers, our classmates and our students. 

The challenges and obstacles we encounter are tests. Those people that we perceive as enemies are our boot camp trainers who offer us the greatest opportunity to strengthen our core values and push us to the limit... to fight for what we believe in. Although we are all here on our own personal individual journey, what one single person does affects the whole humanity. Let's help one another fulfill our curriculum so we can graduate from this wonderful school called LIFE.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Monday, March 10, 2014

To Potential Buyers and Distributors

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Update - On April 15, 2014, I filed a lawsuit against Victor Alfieri, Bondolini Productions, Black Knight Entertainment and Daniela Carloni.  Please read "Standing Up for the Truth"

Any potential buyer or distributor interested in "Looking for Clarissa" should be aware of the following facts:

  1. Victor Alfieri and Bondolini Productions do NOT have the necessary materials for a complete chain-of-title to sell or license and distribute the film. I have such materials.
  2. Victor Alfieri and Bondolini Productions do not have all the contracts and releases for most of the actors who performed in "Looking for Clarissa". I have most of the contracts.
  3. The amounts paid to actors stated in their signed contracts are different (substantially lower) than what Bondolini Productions and Alfieri are claiming they paid. I have the actual amounts paid to each actor.
  4. There are "false" receipts for expenses that did not exist.
  5. The documents that I am retaining contain clear and convincing evidence that fraud was possibly committed.
  6. Victor Alfieri took $17,500 of my money that was not part of the financing agreement, concealed it and soon after used it to hire attorney Roger Muse to sue me. That is conversion (theft) and breach of contract.
  7. Alfieri refuses to sign an amendment to our original agreement that will guarantee fairness and financial transparency during the sale and distribution of "Looking for Clarissa".  Please read "my requests" below.
  8. It is my personal belief that Alfieri has no intention to reimburse any of my investment or any of the money that he illegally took from me to hire an attorney to sue me.
  9. I still have at least one year to bring a lawsuit against Victor Alfieri, Bondolini Productions and Black Knight Entertainment for breach of contract and for conversion.
  10. Any lawsuit against Bondolini Productions in reference to the film "Looking for Clarissa"will affect any possible sale or distribution of the film.

Some of the readers must be wondering why I am disclosing all this information. The reason is that by making it public it becomes more difficult for Alfieri to hide his questionable actions and his refusal to act in an honorable and respectful manner.

When attorney Manuel Saint Martin emailed me a Demand Letter, I thought that would be my opportunity to negotiate the points I wanted to include in the amendment to my original financing agreement. It would only make sense due to all these lawsuits and Alfieri's lack of integrity and honesty.

This is what I wrote to Mr. Saint Martin:
Mr. Saint Martin,
Please see email below. These are my requests. The only difference is that communication can be done through you, if you are willing to do so.
Let me remind you that Victor Alfieri breached the contract repeatedly. He took MY money and used it to hire attorney Roger Muse to sue me. I believe that is CONVERSION and clearly BREACH OF CONTRACT.  
Alfieri, has not provided proof of all expenditures. My simple requests listed below will guarantee fairness for both parties and clear communication.  Of course I do want to recover my investment. However, Alfieri has not proven to be a reliable, nor a trustworthy person.
I am willing to discuss this with you.
Adriana Trevino
  1. Stipulate that my investment is $150,000. That is what I will recover as my total investment. 
  2. Nobody recovers any money until I recoup my 150K. 
  3. Executed investment agreements and proof of investment of 2 new investors should be provided before signing this document. 
  4. After I recover my 150K, the other two investors will recover their investment accordingly - before "second position" and deferred payments are made.
  5. The points received by each of us will remain as stated in my original investment agreement. 
  6. A separate account will be set up to deposit all earnings from the movie (sale, distribution, etc). Not me nor Victor will have direct access to it. 
  7. An independent third party, as Josh has suggested, will handle the account. 
  8. I will be included in all correspondence, meetings, negotiations for sale and distribution. If I cannot be present, I will be cc'ed and informed. 
  9. No decision about distribution or sale will go ahead without mutual approval -  my signature as well as Victor's signature. 
  10. Communications regarding the movie will be done through Josh. 
  11. This document/agreement will be signed by Victor and me. 
  12. I want the document notarized and would like to be present when Victor signs as well. 
I do want the three of us (you, Victor and I) to have a meeting when we sign this document. I do want to distribute this movie and would love to get my investment back. I don't want to be Victor's enemy. We cannot be enemies. We are working towards the same goal now - to recover what we invested, right?
I again forwarded the same email to Mr. Saint Martin because I had not gotten any response. After emaling him for the second time and not receiving an answer, I decided to call him.  Read "Advocating for Justice"  to learn how this attorney handled the situation.

If Alfieri is not willing to sign an amended or new agreement with my simple requests, he must not be planning on ever reimbursing me any portion of my investment.  And now, I have a few questions for you, the reader.

If you were in my same situation. You had invested $150,000 in a film and spent an extra $50,000 on attorneys and legal fees. You had also lost about $50,000 in business in 2011, about $100,000 in 2012, $90,000 in 2013.  Adding all of this - $440,000.....

  • Would you just "write this loss off" and "move on"?
  • Would you try to negotiate something fair so you could recover your investment?
  • Would you share the story and details publicly to recover some of your business and reputation?
  • Would you sue Victor Alfieri and Bondolini Productions again for breach of contract and for conversion "theft"?
I have written off the $440,000 this nightmare has cost me. There is no point suffering and complaining about something that happened and cannot be changed now. However it is difficult to ignore Alfieri's unethical behavior and refusal to be fair and reasonable.  I really do not want to allow him to keep all the earnings and hide them from me just because I chose to do nothing about it.  I have really tried to negotiate but Alfieri is stubborn and apparently not very smart.

I have chosen to share my story and the details. Some people judge me for exposing myself and others understand. As a result, I have slowly been recovering some of my business. Some of my work associates and friends follow my blog and have expressed how much they respect me for writing my story.

We always have control over our lives even when it feels that external forces are pushing us and making us take an undesirable path. Events happen that are certainly out of our control. We cannot control the weather or some unexpected catastrophes. Situations change. Some people are "seemingly" lucky to achieve their goals while some of us lose money, loved ones... and even hope. Does that mean that we have no control over our own lives?

It is true that we have no control over what other people do, think or want. What we can control is our own choices - the choices we make in life. We get to choose how to feel and what to do with the experience we gain. I have chosen to do my best to be heard when I speak up. I choose to speak with honesty and integrity. I choose to seek justice, balance and peace.  It has become evident to me that my inner peace and balance will be reached when I have utilized my personal resources to seek that justice that I believe will prevail while maintaining the awareness that we are all here to fulfill our personal spiritual curriculum in this school of life.

As to Justice - I am seriously considering filing a new lawsuit against Victor Alfieri and Bondolini Productions. There is only so much time a person has to file a lawsuit. When too much time has passed... it is literally too late to make any legal claims.  Time is running out. I am the only person who truly cares about this situation and who can do something about it. I will be making my decision in a week or two. I will be posting updates.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.