
If your name has been mentioned on any of the posts of this blog and you would like to have it omitted or removed, please contact me directly. --- Adriana Trevino

Thursday, October 8, 2015

It's Never Too Late

I dedicate this post to my dear friend Sharon Spence.

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you lived it fearlessly??? All those goals would not seem so unreachable. You would not find yourself reminiscing of the past wishing you had done things differently; wishing you had not given up so easily... wishing that impenetrable unbeatable fear had not blocked your path towards your dream.

That is how Phoebe Spence lived her 85 years on this earth. Phoebe had a successful career as a criminal defense attorney and was always open to exploring and learning new things. At 60, she discovered her love and passion for the performing arts when she attended an acting class to improve her skills as an attorney. Little did she know that acting would become an integral part of her life.

It is not surprising that most of the guests to her memorial were Phoebe’s fellow actor friends.  And what a better place to celebrate her life than the theatre where so many friendships were forged and unforgettable memories created. The Two Roads Theatre's 60 seats were all taken. All guests were given the opportunity to go onstage to share a song, poem, joke, or story in Phoebe’s honor.

I felt as my heart was touched a little deeper each time a new person stepped up to share about the impact Phoebe had had in their lives. I was not able to hold back my tears. I was immersed in the magical space created by the love, care and appreciation exhibited by everyone attending this memorial. Isn’t this the way we should all be acknowledged and celebrated when we leave this physical world?

I had the honor to know Phoebe. One time when I was visiting her and her daughter Sharon, I remember asking her, “Phoebe, do you have any idea how adorable you are?”  She looked at me with a smile on her face and firmly replied, “YES!”  She knew she was appreciated and loved. She did not have to hide behind false modesty. I always loved that about her.

Thank you for living your life fully and for inspiring others to do the same. You have blessed every life you have touched. You will be missed but never forgotten.

We will all depart from this physical world. That is a fact and is inevitable. It could happen today, next week, in a year or in decades.  Whatever length of time we stay on this earth will seem too short when it’s our turn to leave. Let’s not waste our life reliving the past or fearing the uncertainty of the future. It’s never too late to say, “I’m sorry” and make amends. It’s never too late to forgive.  It’s never too late to take risks and go beyond the fear of falling, losing or hurting.  It’s never too late to open our heart and show our true “self” so others can see the beautiful reflection of their own light.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bullies with a Law Degree

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.

What is a Bully?

A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

What is Bullying?

To use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
--- Both definitions from Oxford Dictionaries (

Nowadays, this type of abusive behavior has become a serious problem. This digital era has allowed bullies to cowardly hide behind fake cyber names while verbally attacking, intimidating and threatening others whom they perceive as "weaker" or "inferior."

My Experience with Bullies

Although I was very shy when I was a young child, I cannot really say that I ever got bullied by other kids at school. The truth is that I had never really experienced feeling "bullied" until I started dealing with opposing counsel in this case against Victor Alfieri. I have got to experience intimidation and manipulative tactics by Bullies with a Law Degree. 

It is true that I am representing myself. I have not hired an attorney because I cannot afford one. Victor Alfieri took everything I had. Now his attorneys are trying to get more from me -- or at least, they are trying to intimidate me and take advantage of my lack of legal representation.  

So what qualifies them as "bullies"?  They certainly have strength and power over me --- that power is their law degree and their knowledge of the California Judicial System. They shield themselves behind the "confidentiality of the case"  They use that as an excuse to bully me and to intimidate me.
I believe that it is my duty to speak out, to tell the truth about what these attorneys have done and continue doing. This specific post is my contribution to stopping this type of bullying. I know I am not the only one who has gone through an experience such as this.  I hope this post inspires those who have felt helpless in similar situations when dealing with the legal system on their own -- those who have opted to not fight or to give up due to their apparent disadvantageous position.  Please read on. 

I will only cover what attorney Jason L. Fisher has said during our conversations, what he has done or said in open court and the documents he filed. The current arbitration process is to be kept strictly confidential. I will NOT be revealing any details related to such process. I will not be disclosing any information about the attorney retained to handle this arbitration either. The only thing I will say, is that this attorney uses a friendlier and more respectful approach. It might be because this attorney is a female and can somehow relate to what I have been through.

As to what has happened in court and all the documents filed, everything is public. If you are interested in getting copies of the documents filed in court, please go to  LA COURT CASE SUMMARY and enter case BC542748. I will be sharing some specific details about what attorney Jason L. Fisher has done while handling this case. I swear that all the statements I am about to make are true to the best of my knowledge and recollection.

As I mentioned before, this case filed in Los Angeles Superior Court is public, so are the hearings and what was said during those court appearances.  I also have the right to voice my opinion --- I have Freedom of Speech.

Los Angeles Superior Court - Summary

I filed my lawsuit against Victor Alfieri on April 15, 2014. The first phone call I received from Jason L. Fisher informing me he had been retained by Alfieri was on May 16, 2014. We had an amicable conversation during which I agreed to give him more time to file a response.  That was the only friendly conversation we would ever have.

On May 30, 2014, Jason Fisher filed over 100 pages worth of documents -- Demurrer to Complaint, Motion to Strike, Proposed Order for the Demurrer and the Motion to Strike.  Yes, over 100 pages!!!  His Demurrer and Motion to Strike basically stated that the case should be dealt in arbitration.  Why wouldn't Mr. Fisher save all that time he spent drafting these documents and simply demand arbitration???

Mr. Fisher used derogatory language to describe me and labeled my allegations as "fictional."  This is an excerpt from the Motion to Strike he filed on May 30, 2014.
"However, ascertaining that basic information from the frivolous and long-winded Verified Complaint of plaintiff nearly amounts to act of futility.  The Plaintiff chose to use the California judicial system to publicize her scornful account of an alleged personal relationship.  Plaintiff's misplaced focus on irrelevant absurdities and overtly emotionally charged fictional allegations that are completely improper and immaterial has made a Motion to Strike by Defendants proper, if not necessary."
Apparently Mr. Fisher ignored the fact that my complaint was a VERIFIED complaint. I had sworn that everything contained there was true, under the penalty of perjury.  So, Mr. Fisher was calling me a liar and claiming my complaint had "irrelevant absurdities" when, in fact, such absurdities were quotes from Victor Alfieri himself, from his deposition -- which are part of an official transcript.  He also, just like Alfieri, claimed that I had made "fictional" allegations of having a relationship with Alfieri.

I have worked as an interpreter in the courts (both State and Federal) for about 20 years. I have translated hundreds, if not thousands, of orders, motions, petitions and other legal documents. And I had never seen a document drafted by an attorney that labeled the allegations as "fictional," "irrelevant" or "absurd."  I have certainly heard those words during opening and closing arguments/statements in a trial or during motions... but never as a response to a complaint.   I believe that Mr. Fisher's choice of words and length of his documents were intended to intimidate me --- which is something attorneys are supposed to do.  I am aware of it.

A colleague of mine has assured me that such language is common in court filings in California. However, I believe that those specific words that attorney Jason Fisher chose were charged with hostility -- such hostility was evident when he and I met in person for the first time.

On August 18, 2014 - We had an Ex-Parte Protective Order Hearing.  That order was granted because the judge did not take the bench. I was not even able to oppose to that order. I was expected to submit my response in writing. Please read  "The Soul of the Judicial System" .  I talked to Jason Fisher on the phone at 4:30 pm the day before this hearing. I asked him if he could give me a copy of what he was filing because all I got from him was a simple notice. He responded that I would get a copy the following day at 8:30 am, that we could discuss it then in front of the judge.  Mr. Fisher knew this judge did not take the bench for this type of motions. How do I know this? Because the clerk told me that Mr. Fisher had called the previous day. She also told me that I should have called too to ask if I needed to respond in writing.

On August 22, 2014 -- Attorney Jason Fisher sent me a threatening letter demanding I dismiss the lawsuit against Daniela Carloni, Victor Alfieri's mother.  
"Irrespective of meritless claim(s) advanced, we are bewildered by your apparent belief that you can sue Ms. Carloni here in California, and invite to contact our office to explain under what rule or legal theory you believe you can maintain a lawsuit against a foreign citizen that resides abroad with no connection to the forum state. We would request you immediately dismiss Ms. Carloni with prejudice, and if so, we believe our client will agree to a waiver of costs. Otherwise, we will pursue recovery of costs and attorney fees against you incurred in having Ms. Carloni dismissed from this matter."
Apparently Mr. Fisher's main strategy has been to threaten to recover attorney's fees from me.  He used this strategy in court and the judge clearly told him there were no credible reasons for which he could claim those fees. 

Do I believe Daniela Carloni played a role in this???? Absolutely. She was also the one who would beg me to call Victor back in June 2011, after we had broken up. She would call me via Skype, every single day. She would say to me, "Victor needs you. He loves you. He just doesn't know how to show it. Please don't abandon him."  I would then contact Victor. He would tell me (via text) to leave him alone.  I was clearly being set up for harassment. 

On November 9, 2014 -- I filed an amended complaint in which Daniela Carloni and Black Knight Entertainment were no longer defendants. I decided to drop Daniela Carloni from the complaint because I knew how complicated it would be to keep her as a defendant not because my allegations against her were meritless.  A couple of weeks later, Mr. Fisher emailed me a letter asking me to formally dismiss the claim against Daniela Carloni.  He attached the Request for Dismissal for me to sign and mail back to him. I noticed that it stated that I would be dismissing WITH prejudice -- which means I could never sue Daniela Carloni for these allegations ever again.  Why would I do that? And what type of manipulative attorney would do something like that???  When I had not returned those requests signed as he demanded, Mr. Fisher wrote to me and again threatened to seek recovery of costs and attorney's fees from me --- as if he had the right to do so.
"Thank you for your email.  The requests for dismissal were completed for you and required nothing more than your signature.  Kindly execute and return them to my office via email as you stated you would, so I can ensure they are filed promptly.  If I do not get the dismissals back from you very soon, I may have to take further action concerning those two parties, and then would have to pursue recovery of those costs/expenses incurred from you.  I would rather avoid unnecessary steps, and chasing you for money, so please sign and return both dismissal forms to me this week."
The only reason Jason Fisher offered to file the dismissals for me was to ensure that they were dismissed with prejudice. Mr. Fisher knows that if I had an attorney, I would never be advised to dismiss with prejudice.  I believe he was basically trying to trick me into doing what he wanted. I filled out my own request forms for the dismissal without prejudice and filed them in court.  Mr. Fisher was not very happy and demanded an explanation as to why my dismissal was without prejudice.

On December 10, 2014 -- Mr. Fisher filed another Demurrer and Motion to Strike my Amended Complaint. This time they were only 50 pages total.  However, Mr. Fisher got even more vicious with the adjectives and labels he used to describe me and my complaint.
"Plaintiff improperly used a 41 page Complaint, reading much like a bad romance novel, to publicize her scornful account of and bitterness over an alleged relationship."
It is interesting that Mr. Fisher kept calling my relationship with Alfieri an "alleged" relationship when Alfieri himself stated that we were VERY CLOSE friends during his deposition. Jason Fisher dared to also call my supporting facts "tales."   

On January 22, 2015 -  We had our Demurrer Hearing. In his motion, Mr. Fisher wrote:
"The issues raised in Plaintiff's FAC. unambiguously fall squarely and exclusively within the purview and language of the Production Financing Agreement arbitration clause that requires the parties to resolve all such disputes via binding arbitration."
The Demurrer was sustained mainly based on that arbitration clause.  But why would Jason Fisher refuse to stipulate to arbitration when that was what he was fighting for?  I remember the judge asking him, "Why wouldn't you stipulate to arbitration?  Isn't that what you wanted?" Please read the post "Turning a Loss Into a Win"  for the whole story.  Bottom line -  Attorney Jason L. Fisher did all this work to this point, expecting to win, to have the case dismissed and to recover attorney's fees from me.  If that was not the case and he was being paid by Alfieri, why would he refuse to accept service of the Demand for Arbitration and claim he is not Alfieri's attorney? 

On March 17, 2015
We appeared in court to give an update on the arbitration process. Please read the post Lies, Negligence, or Memory Loss? for complete story on what happened during this hearing.   I wrote it on March 19.  A day or two after I published this post, I received a call -- (the following exchange between Jason Fisher and I is NOT verbatim.  It is paraphrased but written as a conversation to make it easier to read).

A - Hello? This is Adriana.
J - This is attorney Jason Fisher.
A - Hi Jason, how are you?
J - I am calling because I heard about a blog.
A - My blog? You read it?
J - It is my understanding that my name and my law firm have been mentioned.
A - Yes, that is right. I wrote about what happened in court and how you lied to the judge. 
J - I am calling to ask you to take down that blog.
A- The blog?  I am not taking down my blog. And I will not take that specific post down either. You know I am telling the truth.
J - This has nothing to do with me. The problem you have is with Victor Alfieri and not with me.
A - Actually, I DO have a problem with people who lie to a judge in open court.
A -  I will not delete that post. But what I can do is omit your name and just leave it as "Alfieri's attorney."

And that is what I did. I removed his name and kept it off my blog until recently. Why did I change my mind?  Because I FEEL that Jason L. Fisher and his law firm, Fisher Law, have "bullied" me and continue to do so. I believe that this type of conduct should not be tolerated.  Mr. Fisher has a law degree and knowledge of the court system in California. I don't have such degree. But what I do have is my voice.  

After four years dealing with this "court drama," I feel that I have gotten into this legal battle for a bigger reason -- to bring awareness of how abusive and manipulative opposing counsel can be toward a party that proceeds "pro per" in civil court. 

Bullying and unfair abusive treatment must be reported.  Nothing will change if we pretend it is not happening and ignore this issue.   Let's stop BULLYING behavior. Let's stand up and speak out. We all have the right to feel safe, respected and honored.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Split Second

This post is dedicated to Rae and Carolyn, two angels God put in my path.


It is defined as an infinitesimal amount of time, an instant, a fraction of a second. It is so short and so fast -- faster than a blink or a breath, that it could go unperceived.

Although a split second is an extremely small period of time, it is long enough for a life-changing event to occur during its brief span.

Last Friday I was driving a rental car in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. I was on 4th street and made a left onto Minnesota Street. I had the green light as I passed the intersection of Minnesota Street and 5th Street. As I was about to go through the next green light on 6th street, I happened to look to my right and saw a van approaching that intersection traveling at high speed. It was clear that the driver of the van was not going to stop. I was only a few feet from the intersection. I had to act fast. I looked in my rear view mirror to make sure nobody would rear-end me before I hit the breaks. I stopped the car but not fast enough to avoid being hit by the approaching vehicle.

The van hit the front of my car. The noise caused by the collision was deafening. The van was going so fast that it literally shaved off the front of my car without losing much speed. I saw as the hood of my car was bending towards me.  I did not know if I would end up trapped and crushed inside the car.

Many people quickly came to my rescue and asked me if I was okay. I cannot say I was scared. It was somewhat surreal.  I felt more like a witness than a participant in the accident. I got out of my car and yelled to witnesses and bystanders to please not let that driver run away. I took a picture of the license plates of the van that hit me.  The police, firefighters and paramedics came to the scene.

Because my rental car was totaled and towed to the city impound lot, I was carless and stranded downtown St. Paul. I called many friends to come get me. Some would not pick up my call and the few that did pick up, failed to understand the gravity of the situation. Most of them did not offer to come get me but would end the call with, "let me know if you need anything, ok?"  I would say to myself, "isn't that what I'm doing now?" My body was starting to feel the effects of the car accident and my emotional state was only adding to that pain. I felt helpless and alone. I started to cry.

Rae, a witness to the crash had offered to stay with me until I found a friend to come get me. When it was evident that nobody would come get me, she and Carolyn offered their company... and their home.  As I was riding in their car, I decided to post something on Facebook. That would for sure get someone's attention. Just a minute after I posted on Facebook, I received a call from my friend Marjorie, who eventually picked me up and later took me to an urgent care clinic.

It has been three days since the accident. It is surprising how much more my body hurts now compared to the day of the accident. I am not worried about my recovery. I know I can only get better. What I cannot seem to stop thinking about is how lucky I was to have that SPLIT SECOND to turn to the right, see that approaching vehicle and hit the breaks.  I know that if I had not stopped, I would have been t-boned by that van. I would have been crushed inside my car.... and probably killed.

I am profoundly humbled by this whole experience. I feel fortunate and grateful for this second chance in life, for being able to tell this story.

This message from Rae reflects this sentiment --
"Adriana, there were angels with you last night, but it wasn't me and Carolyn. The fact that you were able to see this car out of the corner of your eye, and with quick reflexes try to take evasive action saved you from a much more serious accident. Your rental car was completely totaled but you were able to walk away from this accident. I am sure that you are in a lot of pain today, but you are truly a very lucky woman..."
Because life is short, time is our most valuable asset. As my good friend Sebastian once told me, "time is the greatest gift a person can give somebody else" --  a gift  that we should treasure and enjoy. Although life seems to move extremely fast, let's not forget that every split second is an opportunity - an opportunity to go farther than we can imagine. So let's reach out for our dreams and make a difference in the world.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Making Peace

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The Trevino vs. Alfieri case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


This is a continuation of my previous post The Ripple Effect. I dedicate this post to CV -- a kind-hearted man who will no longer have the opportunity to give his side of the story.  My original intention in writing this post was to act as CV's voice and clear his name as this chapter of his life closed. Out of respect to him and his family, I waited enough time to write anything about this and have kept his name and details of the events confidential.

I firmly believe that Alfieri falsely accused CV of physical assault. How do I know the accusation was false? Did I witness this incident? No, I was not there and was not a witness. So how can I claim that Alfieri made a false accusation?

Well, let's not forget that Alfieri shamelessly accused me of theft and slander while he was the one who defrauded and defamed me.  It does not surprise me that he would make stories about others. Just a month or two after he sued me in September 2011, he filed a harassment order against the former co-director/editor of "Looking for Clarissa" claiming she tried to push his Porsche off the road while driving at high speed on Santa Monica Blvd (Century City/Beverly Hills area). First of all, when can anyone drive fast on Santa Monica Blvd in that area of town? Second, he was the one who was driving the Porsche, wasn't he? And the most recent legal claim made by Alfieri that I am aware of was against his own Homeowners Association. I was told that Alfieri lost that lawsuit.

It is clear to me that Alfieri feels that he can use the "law" to try to intimidate or get money from the opposing party.  The problem here is that Alfieri uses outrageous untrue allegations to build "his case." These stories built on ridiculous lies eventually collapse.

It is true that I am still dealing with Alfieri and his unwillingness to take responsibility for what he has done. But my case is only a civil matter. What CV had to face were criminal charges that could have potentially meant time in jail. Although CV was clearly innocent, it is undeniable that he was scared and stressed as he awaited his trial.

I really do not want to get into specifics about what happened between CV and Alfieri. It does not really matter any more.  All I need to say is that CV was not aggressive or confrontational. On the contrary, he would always offer a smile to everyone with whom he interacted. CV was someone who saw the good in people and believed in generosity and forgiveness.  He did not assault Alfieri, nor did he want to continue having any conflict with him.

There was an opportunity to settle the case without going to trial. CV happily accepted the opportunity while Alfieri had the audacity to add even more fabricated lies to his previous version of the facts.

All CV wanted was to make peace, as he said to me, he just wanted to shake Victor's hand, be cordial to each other... and live in harmony.

It is unfortunate that the unfair stress to which he was subjected was what eventually took a toll on his health. He developed an ulcer that led him to the Emergency Room. The next morning, he passed away.

Our words, actions... even our thoughts and intentions touch everyone around us -- EVERYONE --  especially those who are targeted as recipients of such words, actions or thoughts.

Let's live with awareness and treat others with respect, compassion and kindness. We are mirrors of one another. What we give, we receive.  Let's choose peace over war and conflict... And let's first make peace with ourselves so we can extend it to everyone else.

May CV's soul rest in peace. His memory and spirit will remain with us forever.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues (Trevino vs. Alfieri) have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues (Trevino vs. Alfieri) related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Ripple Effect

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Around mid-September 2014, I received a phone call at home. I rarely answer my home phone because most of the calls are from telemarketers. This time I checked the caller id display and realized the call was from a local Los Angeles number. I decided to pick up, "Hello?" "Could I speak with Adriana Trevino?" asked the voice on the other end of the phone. "This is she," I replied. "I read your webpage," he said. "You mean, my blog?" I clarified.

He said he had read some of my posts and felt really bad for what Victor Alfieri had done to me. I told him that I was okay and he should not feel bad for me. He also told me that his attorney had found some of my YouTube videos and my blog on line. Attorney? I asked him if I had mentioned him on any of my posts and offered to remove his name. He then told me that Victor Alfieri had accused him of hitting him with a brush and that there was a trial scheduled.

He told me his name. For now, I will only use his initials, CV. At this point I knew who he was and what he was talking about. In January 2014, TMZ published " 'Bold & Beautiful' Star - I Was Attacked With a Hairbrush," and " Bold & Beautiful Star GETS BRUSH OFF FROM JUDGE." Victor claimed that CV had beat him in the face, had relentlessly harassed him and had threatened to put him in the hospital.  The judge granted Victor a restraining order that would keep CV at least 3 yards away from Victor - not farther, as they lived in the same building.  That is why, just as a way to poke fun at the ridiculous allegations made by Alfieri I served him court papers with a hairbrush so he could "protect" himself from future attacks. Please read The Service to learn how Victor got served and to watch the video "A Brush With the LAW."

CV told me that things did not happen the way Victor had said they did.  I was not surprised when I heard that. I know how Victor can twist the truth and use the court system to his advantage while making sure that his delusional claims get as much publicity as possible. Now that I look at Victor's allegations against CV, it is clear that Victor follows a pattern.

According to Victor Alfieri...

         CV                                                            Me
Attacked him with a brush                     Attacked him with slander
Relentlessly harassed him                      Relentlessly SEXUALLY harassed him
Threatened to put him in hospital          Threatened to call the FBI and put him in jail forever

Then, what did Victor do (or continues to do) against CV and me?

          CV's case                                                 My case
Gave false statements to authorities       Made false allegations in court papers
Got police and courts involved              Got courts and attorneys involved
Leaked the news to the media                Leaked the news to the media
Refuses to tell the truth                          Refuses to tell the truth

It is a fact that Victor Alfieri made up crazy stories about me. His slanderous allegations, which were published all over the internet, damaged my reputation and have cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in business.  CV asked me if I would be willing to testify in his trial. My testimony would be solely as to Victor Alfieri's character, not to what actually took place during the "alleged" incident. I would simply testify about Victor's manipulative and dishonest behavior. I would testify how Victor has used the justice system and the media to attack me and try to ruin my reputation. He clearly wanted to intimidate me and "persuade" me into walking away from my investment.

So... would I be willing to testify?  Of course I would. I agreed to become a witness even before CV told me his side of the story. I told CV that I knew of another person who would certainly make a great witness. Victor's crazy fabricated stories about this person made it all the way to the court docket as well.  As I stated before, Victor has a pattern -- he claims to be victimized by somebody who has "attacked" or harassed him because that person is probably "obsessed" with him. Then he uses law enforcement and/or court resources to threaten and intimidate this "alleged" attacker, not without getting enough media coverage in the process.

CV and I met in person and talked on the phone several times. As we shared our stories, we could not help but notice so many similarities. He was born and raised in Minnesota. I lived in Minnesota for the last 20 years. We even had friends in common! We developed a friendship quickly.

CV had a scheduled pretrial hearing on Monday March 30th. I told him I would go to court with him. But I did not go to court with CV. Why? Because that hearing did not take place.  It was not because Victor Alfieri decided to tell the truth and get the charges dropped but because CV did not make it to that hearing. He passed away on February 19, 2015. Please read my post Making Peace to learn more about what really happened and how his passing is directly connected to all these events.

Most of us are familiar with the term "Ripple Effect."  Merriam-Webster defines it as a situation in which one event causes a series of other events to happen. And what about "The Butterfly Effect"? -- the scientific theory that one single occurrence, no matter how small, can forever change the course of the universe.

If even the smallest occurrence can have an impact somewhere on the other side of the world, then we can logically conclude that more significant events would for sure change the course of the universe.  What Victor Alfieri has done to me and others is no small thing. His actions have undoubtedly affected our lives -- and the universe, for that matter.

It is possible that Victor finds his creative "tales" very clever and even amusing. However, all actions carry consequences. You cannot go around making false accusations and defaming others and expect no consequences. You will either encounter someone who will fight back or someone who will be unfairly punished. I am fortunately someone who decided not to be a victim. I fought back and continue fighting for justice.  This does not mean that I am in this battle for the simple reason of  fighting. I have always been open to letting this go if Victor were to come clean and tell the truth. It is that simple.

CV, on the other hand, was someone who was unfairly punished and suffered the consequences of Victor's malicious and irresponsible actions.  Please read Making Peace. What is shocking to me is that there are still so many people around Victor that see what he does and opt to say or do nothing about it. It is like watching an injured person lying in the middle of the road while riding in the car with a reckless crazy driver who deliberately speeds up to run this injured person over. It is true you are not the driver. But you are right there. You know this fatality is about to happen and choose to stay quiet and do nothing. Does that make you an accomplice?.... You tell me.

Even the smallest occurrence will create an endless ripple.  Everything we do impacts the whole world. Our actions, thoughts and intentions will touch every single human being on this planet. Before we move forward, let's choose to walk on a path built on honesty and integrity. Before we open our mouth, let's choose our words wisely and compassionately. And let's not forget that everything starts with thoughts, with intention. If what we put out in the universe is generosity, gratitude, kindness and love, then that is the ripple that we are sending out to the rest of the world -- and that is also what will eventually come back to us.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lies, Negligence... or Memory Loss?

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


On March 17, 2015, just a couple of days ago, I had a hearing at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles. I thought that after what happened at the last hearing in January, Jason Fisher would ask to withdraw as the attorney of record. In addition, he had refused to accept service of the demand for arbitration on behalf of Victor.  He made it clear, through an email to the ICDR (International Centre for Dispute Resolution), that he had not been retained nor would he accept service of the demand for arbitration. He, of course, waited 12 days to inform us (ICDR and me) of this - just two days before our first scheduled administrative conference call.

Attorney Jason Fisher stated that I had to serve Victor Alfieri with the Demand for Arbitration separately. I had to start from square one again --  just as if I did not have the case pending in court?  I remember that during the hearing in January, the judge said that we would stipulate to arbitration.  Mr. Fisher refused to agree to that stipulation. However, the judge made it clear that we were going to arbitration.  Attorney Jason Fisher was present at the hearing. He was and is still representing Victor Alfieri. He has the DUTY to inform his client of anything that happens during any hearing and with his case -- that includes ARBITRATION. So why do I have to start this process again with Victor separately?

Because if I did not get this arbitration process started by March 17, my case would be immediately dismissed and Mr. Fisher could again try to "collect" attorney's fees from me.  The judge clearly said that she would deny that request. But Mr. Fisher probably thought that he would be entitled to make that demand if I were to fail to start the arbitration process.

Victor was served separately. ICDR, Victor and I started to communicate via email. We set up the administrative conference call two weeks later, as requested by Alfieri.  The evening prior to our call, scheduled for last Friday, March 13, at 8 am, Victor asked for more time as he had just retained a new attorney (whose name I will keep confidential). Alfieri waited 2 weeks to notify ICDR and me of this. We had no conference call but ICDR set up deadlines for documents and comments.

Now, let's go back to the hearing I had two days ago-- Jason Fisher, Alfieri's attorney of record, was present. He, again, was rude and avoided to look at me in the eye. His rudeness was not a surprise to me. What was a surprise to me was what he did during the hearing.

What you will read next is my personal account of what took place.  It is really too bad that Los Angeles Superior Court does not have court reporters for this type of hearings. This means that there is no official court record of what is being said. So we could say that this post will serve as a "record" of what happened on Tuesday.  I swear that all the statements I am writing in this post -- and all my posts, for that matter -- are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Jason Fisher told the judge that he had no idea if the arbitration process had started or if anything had been done about it.  "Your Honor, may I say something for the record?" I asked. She responded, "there is no record." That was correct. There was no court reporter taking down what was being said. "May I state something, then, your Honor?" She politely responded, "of course."

I stated that opposing attorney had been served with the Demand for Arbitration and refused to accept service. I added that he took about 12 days to notify ICDR and me that he was not the attorney representing Alfieri in the arbitration process. His refusal to accept service and failure to give timely notification had delayed the process two weeks. 

The judge then looked at him and asked, "counsel, you are not representing the respondent in this matter?" He responded, "I have not been retained yet."  Puzzled, the judge asked, "what are you doing here, then?" He then went to explain that he was indeed the attorney of record for the case in court (LASC) but not for arbitration.

Jason Fisher then said that he had not received anything related to arbitration and had not had any communication on this issue (process). He wanted to play dumb?  So this is the first time he hears anything about my demand for arbitration?  Really? "That is a  lie! And I have proof of it, right here in my hand," I said, clearly and loud enough for everyone to hear as I raised my right hand showing copies of emails and communication exchanged among ICDR, Mr. Fisher and me.

The judge said, "this is not starting well." I explained that opposing counsel would not return my phone calls or emails. This statement is totally true. The judge asked me if I had been represented by counsel before. I told her that I had always been pro se and that Mr. Fisher continued to refuse to communicate with me.  The judge said that this had to change, that there should be communication between us.... and if I had been the judge, I would have added, "and the parties shall treat each other with courtesy and respect."

Right before our short hearing ended, I asked the judge, "Your Honor, may I provide counsel copies of all communication we've had related to arbitration, including his own communications?" She smiled and said, "sure, go ahead."  I heard a couple of people laugh in the back of the courtroom. I handed him the demand for arbitration (this would be the 4th time he would get it) and a set of copies of different emails we exchanged among us and ICDR.   He accepted the papers I offered but did not dare to look at me directly.

Why did attorney Jason Fisher blatantly lie to the judge?  Did he think I would not notice that his statements did not match the facts? Did he think he could get away with lying because there was no record taken during the hearing?

Or there could be a different scenario. Scenario 2 -- negligence on Mr. Fisher's part. But this would not speak well of him or any attorney and his work ethics.  Even if the reason for giving false statements to the judge in this case were negligence, it would be undeniable that lies were used to cover his careless and irresponsible actions. So that takes us back to Scenario 1, "Jason Fisher  purposely lied to the judge during the hearing."

Well, what if he did not purposely lie?  This puts us in Scenario 3 -- Maybe he gave false statements unintentionally and without true awareness. He could have forgotten he received the demand for arbitration three times -- first, from me, then, from a process server and from ICDR. Maybe he also forgot he wrote to ICDR and to me (12 days after service) claiming he had not been retained by Alfieri and could not accept service.  Maybe Alfieri's chronic amnesia is contagious. I can only speculate to the extent of his memory loss. What I can say is that if this attorney is truly suffering from amnesia (just as Alfieri), I surely hope that the copies of those emails and letters I provided to him in court yesterday will help refresh his recollection.

Which scenario do you think explains what happened in court on Tuesday? Intentional Lies, Negligence.... or Amnesia?  Do you believe there could be a good reason for an attorney to intentionally lie in court? Are there good reasons to lie in any other situations? Feel free to share your thoughts.


There is no such thing as a little lie or a big lie. A lie is a lie.  Even "white lies" are lies. Lies can turn us into slaves -- prisoners of our own distorted reality. The good news is that every time we lie, we are  aware we are doing so -- we feel we are going against ourselves. Because we all seek the truth and strive to live by it, why not make it a practice to tell the truth at all times?  All we have to do is first go deep into our heart, as that is where the TRUTH resides. Then whatever we have to express will certainly be the truth -- a truth that will not create conflicts or hurt others.... because it is coming from a place of love. And love is the ultimate TRUTH.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


Trust is something we all consider valuable.  Trust is fundamental in the creation and building of any type of relationship. I found countless quotes about "trust." Some had an author, such as the following:

"Love all, trust a few." 
--- William Shakespeare

 "The best way to find out of you can trust somebody is to trust them."   
---- Ernest Hemingway 

"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters 
cannot be trusted with important matters." 
--- Albert Einstein

"The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."  
--- Stephen King

What is Trust?  

Google gives a very concise and clear definition --
Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Although it sounds simple, it is the most powerful element needed to build and sustain any type of relationship. When I think about my past relationships, both professional and personal, it becomes more evident that without trust, a relationship CANNOT survive.

Trust Issues

A strong friendship and business relationship I have with someone was put to the test recently. After this test, our relationship suffered but eventually survived after we had an honest and open conversation. The main issue in the relationship was "trust."

During this period of time, the lack of effective communication between us created conflict. This friend grew so untrusting to the point that he became paranoid about my intentions. In the past, we had shared with each other some stories about other people whom we had a hard time trusting. I would always tell him to ask questions when in doubt instead of making assumptions and creating stories. I told him that not making assumptions had saved many of my relationships.

We met at a restaurant last week. The first thing he said as he sat down at the table was, "are you recording this conversation?" He made me show my cell phone and then demanded I put it away. I was thinking "wow, he has become really paranoid."

What was shocking is how familiar this situation seemed to me... just as when Victor Alfieri became paranoid and started to create bizarre stories about me and others involved in the production of our film.

So it is not surprising that Victor Alfieri was brought up into our conversation. "I would love to hear his side of the story," he said. I told him to simply visit this blog and read the story if he wished. He responded that he had done so and had googled me. "And it doesn't make you look good," he added. I quickly said "I don't care what your opinion is. I did what felt right for me. I told the TRUTH."

I will not deny I got very upset with that comment. I will also admit that it was not true that I did not care about his opinion. Of course I cared. We all care about what our friends or colleagues think of us. It is based on those opinions that we act upon, that we treat others and that we build solid relationships. What I really meant to say was, "I have no control over your opinion. I did what felt right for me. I told the TRUTH. And it really hurts to hear you have such a low image of me.... and that you do not trust me."

I am aware that his statements and accusations are a reflection of himself and his own fears - and they have NOTHING to do with me.  We can only see the negative traits in others that exist in our own reality - either something we have and want to hide or something we have witnessed or have endured as a "victim." I wonder to what type of betrayal he has been subjected, what experiences have scarred him in such a way that he has a hard time trusting anyone.

Fortunately we were eventually able to work out all the differences and misunderstandings.  He has opted to trust again... And so have I. After this incident our friendship has gotten stronger. We have made the pact to always communicate openly with the each other.

Should We Trust Others?

Yes!!! We should.  Even if they betray us??  Yes! I am not saying that if someone is a compulsive liar and has proven unreliable again and again, we should "trust" them with important and vital decisions we make in life. That is why we have common sense, right? But we can extend our trust to them from one human to another, by encouraging them to believe in themselves - believe that they can do better and can keep their word.  We reflect TRUST on one another.  If we trust, we are more likely to be trusted. If we distrust, we will probably get the same in return.

You may be deceived if you trust too much, 
but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."
 --- Frank Crane

"Our distrust is very expensive." 
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody." 
--- English Proverb

"It is impossible to go through life without trust; 
that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself."  
--- Graham Greene

As Cardinal De Retz states, "a man who doesn't trust himself can never really trust anyone else." In other words, it all starts with ourselves. How can I trust anyone else when I cannot trust the person closest to me -- my SELF?

"As soon as you trust yourself, 
you will know how to live." 
---Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Respect cannot survive without trust. Love cannot be expressed in the absence of trust. Trust, as Stephen Covey puts it, "is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle of all relationships," including the relationship we have with ourselves.

Many say that trust is earned just as respect. I disagree. I believe that trust is a choice. It is a choice that starts with self-trust. Let's have trust in ourselves, in our intuition, in knowing that we always have the answer we are seeking and can make the right decisions in life if we listen to our soul. Let's pay it forward and extend this gift of TRUST to everyone around us. Let's create a wave of trust through forgiveness, compassion and kindness towards others.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Turning a Loss into a Win

Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties.  As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.


About three weeks ago, I had a Case Management Conference hearing. During that hearing we were to deal with the Demurrer filed by Victor's attorney, and Motion to Strike portions of my Complaint. Jason Fisher, Alfieri's attorney, had changed the date from January 29th to January 22nd, a week earlier, giving me very little time to file my opposition to his two motions filed on December 12, 2014.  I had  until January 8th - only 26 days to respond. And these 26 days included 14 days I spent in Mexico during the holidays. So basically, I had a little over one week to prepare my opposition and what I was to present and say in court.

It is true that I am representing myself in this case. Hiring an attorney would cost me a fortune. I have  fortunately managed to pay some money to an attorney to prepare and go over the complaint and the opposition to the demurrer. I also asked a friend of mine who is also an attorney and a former judge to give me advise on how to address the court. He told me that he presided hundreds of hearings. He added that, because I was representing myself, it was important to show myself as a "human being."   He helped me prepare the following "speech."

Your Honor,
I am aware this court handles many cases of greater importance and significance than mine. I feel fortunate to be here in front of you at this time to address the motion filed which is to challenge any defects of my complaint and the issue of subject matter jurisdiction. 
Your Honor, my amended complaint sets out facts that are consistent with the causes of action and furthermore are alleged in accordance with the California Civil Procedure Code. I've listed the elements of each cause of action and drafted the complaint in accordance, eliminating any uncertainty or ambiguity.  There is particularity and specificity with respect to all claims, and all provide sufficient information as to clearly state a cause of action. 
Victor Alfieri and Bondolini Productions filed a lawsuit against me based on the production financing agreement and I ask the court to find that defendants have waived their right to arbitration. 
Your Honor, I am here today without counsel because Victor Alfieri has taken my life's savings of  $150,000. That was all the money I had in the world. He took the last $17,500 of my money to hire counsel to sue me. 
Your Honor, I know of nowhere to turn except to this court -- so I might, during discovery, bring all the proof needed to demonstrate fraud beyond clear and convincing evidence and that the money taken from me was for defendant’s personal use. 
As the pleadings allege, Victor Alfieri started a romantic relationship with me for no other reason than to secure my life's savings. He claimed to love me and further claimed that starting a production company as partners, would be a way that would allow the two of us to grow in our relationship and assure financial stability for the rest of our lives. 
Defendant never had any ambition of owning a production company or producing a movie. Most all of my money was used for Victor’s personal benefit. 
After giving Victor my life's savings, which he assured was all that he needed -- as it is also reflected in the contract -- he later writes and tells me he needs another $131,000 stating, "no money, no movie.” 
Your Honor, if the court requires I amend the pleadings, I will comply. However, your Honor, I ask that you allow me the opportunity to go forward with this case so that I can collect the necessary evidence and prevail.  He took every dime I had, your honor, and Victor has a pattern of this sort of behavior. 

So the day arrives. I ask my friend Christine to go to court with me. We arrive very early and check in.  I am nervous. I have been to court hundreds of times -- literally HUNDREDS of times --  but as a certified court interpreter, not a plaintiff in PRO PER.

Christine's presence calms me down. She tells me that everything will be okay. I then close my eyes and think of what Marianne Williamson always tells us to do in stressful and challenging situations such as this -- "Before you enter, blast everyone in the room with love."

We sit in the courtroom while all the other cases are called. I get to see how pleasant and fair the judge is to the other parties when handling their cases.  I am feeling much better. My case finally gets called. I approach and sit at a table facing the judge. Attorney Jason Fisher, is to my right. He does not even dare to look at me directly.

I have met and worked with over one thousand attorneys. This is not an exaggeration - over one thousand. And I can assert that Jason L. Fisher is the rudest lawyer I have ever met in my entire life. He refused to shake my hand when I extended it to him the first time we met in person. He does not respond to my emails or phone calls. So I am not surprised with how things unfolded during this hearing.

The judge states that her tentative ruling is to sustain the demurrer and send the case to arbitration. She then starts reading each cause of action, giving a reason why the demurrer is sustained. "As to Cause of Action 1, Fraud in the Inducement... it lacks... does not state specific... demurrer is sustained. As to Cause of Action 2... Cause of Action 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... demurrer is sustained."

I cannot believe that none of the causes survived the "demurrer" since the complaint and opposition to the demurrer were drafted and reviewed by several attorneys. None of the causes of action is properly pled???!!!  But what is more surprising to me is how calm I am. I feel this inner peace and stillness that is hard to explain.

The judge looks at us and asks if there is something we would like to say. Jason Fisher is quiet and looking down avoiding the judge's eyes. I say, "I don't know if he wants to say something first," referring to opposing counsel. The judge quickly answers, "he does not have to say anything. He won. You lost... So anything you want to say?"

At this point I am just looking at the piece of paper with my prepared speech. I cannot really read that now. I just lost, as the judge clearly stated. I do address the court and state that the first cause of action, Fraud in the Inducement goes beyond the contract containing the arbitration clause. I say something like this , "there was an agreement and promise made by Alfieri to start a production company together in July 2010. We were planning on making several movies. The first movie was 'Arturo Bond,' whose main character is Arturo Bondolini - that's why the name, Bondolini Productions. I invested money in that movie project first. By September 2010, I had already invested $60,000 into that specific movie - seven months before the production financing agreement with the arbitration clause was signed.  We did not produce "Arturo Bond," but decided to make a different film, 'Phoenix.' This film was not produced either. We then decided to make 'Looking for Clarissa.'  The false promise I am talking about is the production company. I was induced to invest in this last movie based on the false promise of a production company."

The judge looks interested in what I am saying. She says, "where is that stated in your complaint?" I read a couple of paragraphs from my amended complaint that do not cover what I am trying to convey. Because I was told by several attorneys to shorten my original 42 page complaint, my amended complaint does not have that specific information and dates that now I desperately need.

The judge then asks, "what is the reason why you don't want to go to arbitration?" I politely answer, "because it is my understanding that fraud allegations cannot be handled in arbitration." To what she responds, "that is not true. Fraud is handled in arbitration" just as it is handled in court. My eyes light up, "really?" I say with an evident tone of surprise in my voice. "She then goes to explain how arbitration works, that some arbitrators are former judges, that we get to choose our arbitrator.

Mr. Fisher says that he told me about arbitration over the phone, making it sound that he had been polite and tried to settle this before filing all those motions - which is a complete lie. In fact, that initial phone call was the ONLY conversation we had and it sounded to me more like "this is war" than anything else.

Attorney Jason Fisher starts going on and on about my refusal to go to arbitration, about the -- as he puts it -- "exorbitant" number of hours he put into writing those motions. Again, trying to make me look like an unreasonable person who filed this complaint with malice and in bad faith.

The judge points out that it is understandable I would not believe what he was telling me as he is the opposing attorney. Why would I trust him? Why would I follow any legal advise he could offer? Then she looks at me with so much compassion in her eyes and asks me, "why are you so scared to go to arbitration?" I say, "because for the first cause of action, Fraud in the Inducement, I could be awarded punitive damages - something that cannot be considered in arbitration."

The judge is now looking at me directly, being as impartial as required by her position but unable to hide her kindness and concern. "Don't be scared. All those things will be dealt with in arbitration." She adds that arbitration is pretty much like trials in court, but much more informal.

The judge looks satisfied that the case will be taken to arbitration. She then says that the case will be stayed, both parties will stipulate to arbitration, and that the case will be dismissed after arbitration is completed. Attorney Jason Fisher states that they will not agree to that stipulation, "Isn't arbitration what you wanted, counsel?" the judge asks puzzled. Mr. Fisher clarifies that I should pursue arbitration on my own and gives a series of reasons why they want the case dismissed immediately. While he is saying this, the judge is looking at me directly as I gently shake my head and non-verbally plead to her to PLEASE SAY NO to his request. I bet my facial expression is communicating something like. "please don't abandon me now. Don't throw me to the wolves. They will devour me."

The judge denies that request stating that she will not make me pay another filing fee if I were to bring the case back to court to compel arbitration. She then says that she would like the two parties to appear in person in a couple of months to give her an update on arbitration. At this point, I am aware I lost this hearing because the demurrer was sustained but I feel relieved. I feel protected by the judicial system. I still have a chance to prove my case in arbitration and get the justice I'm seeking.

The judge then looks at me and asks what day we would like to come back. "In two months?.... what about.... St. Patrick's Day?"  I respond, "that date works for me, your Honor. " As we are ready to finish the hearing, the judge asks if there is anything additional from either party. Attorney Jason L. Fisher decides to open his mouth and make additional demands.

From this point on, I say NOTHING. I am just listening to Jason Fisher talk now. I feel I am watching a bizarre show. I am witnessing as Mr. Fisher picks up a shovel and starts to dig himself in a hole. "You Honor, we would like the case dismissed at this time."  The judge says that the case is stayed for now,  that the demurrer is sustained, that I will not be allowed to amend my complaint and that the case will be dismissed after arbitration is finalized. Attorney Jason Fisher repeats several times that he wants this case immediately dismissed so his client can have peace of mind and can put this behind him.  The judge reiterates that the case will be eventually dismissed. To what this attorney quickly responds that due to the dismissal, they will be asking for attorneys fees to be paid by Plaintiff (me).

Now the judge looks upset and says, "you're overreaching, counsel." Jason Fisher starts saying that there are REASONS why the opposing party is entitled to payment of attorney's fees. The judge interrupts, "not for any credible reasons that I know." Jason Fisher keeps on talking. I really don't understand why. He is already in a big hole.... and still digging, deeper and deeper.

It is so clear to me, and probably to everyone in this courtroom, that this attorney is expecting to get paid by me, not by Alfieri. Now I understand why his motions and responses are so ridiculously long. Of course they are! He has to justify the "exorbitant" amount of work he has put into this, so he can demand $70,000 -$80,000 in attorney's fees from me. He also wants to be "off" the case. That is why he is asking to have this case dismissed immediately.

Before the hearing is adjourned the judge states that we will be coming back to court on March 17th at 8:30 am, and that I will be allowed to AMEND my complaint if necessary.  That is, as I understand it, if Alfieri refuses to go to arbitration.  So in the end, this apparent loss has turned into a WIN.

There is truly no such thing as a "loss" or a "failure." I believe that when we apparently "fail" at something, we are simply being offered an opportunity - an opportunity to let go of what has not worked out for us, what we no longer need. It is also a turning point to choose a different path to explore exciting new possibilities. And sometimes, all we have to do is to not resist it and let it be. The situation might take a sharp turn, transforming that initial loss into a triumphant win.

Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.