Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties. As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.
I had asked Victor numerous times to tell the truth about our relationship. It was actually part of the mediation agreement we discussed. He refused to do so.
On September 22, 2012, we exchanged the following emails. I am only including the pertinent excerpts of his message as it is very long. The other 2 messages are complete.
I wrote to Victor this:
I wrote to Victor this:

"As to my question....I actually have several questions. I wanted to ask you in person, but you don't want to meet with me. You said that you would have no problems answering them. I hope you answer truthfully."
"Why did you lie about our relationship? You even lied to Roger about it. You know we had a sexual relationship for over a year. Your denying makes me believe and confirms that you used our sexual relationship to get money from me.... And you continue to deny it. Why do you keep lying?"
"Are you going to come clean and tell the truth?"
"These questions are VERY important to me.Telling the truth means having integrity and self-respect. That is why I am writing a book about MY STORY, this story. I am almost done with it."
"What I am writing is based on my experience, the information I have (including your answers during your depo), my beliefs, impressions and feelings. Getting your truthful side of the story would be helpful, but not necessary."
Victor's response:
Dear Adriana
I am here to do businesses and make the best movie, this is what i do and I have been doing for the past 20 years.
I invested a lot of money, hours and physical work in this film.I m willing to work and communicate with you as long as we keep it about the movie and be creative about it.
As far as Ms Kelley' s accusations go... you know what the truth is. There is a law suit that is active so the truth will come out.
I wish you luck with your book and lots of success.
When you are ready to give me the log,receipts and contracts so the accountant can put everything in order..i will be here ...
In the mean time i will continue working hard towards "looking for Clara" success.And my response to him was:
Have a good week end.
You still did not answer any of my questions... You say you are here to do business???? If you really cared about business, you would have thought twice before telling your ridiculous story about how obsessed I was with you and that I stole the movie because you would not sleep with me. We had been sleeping together for over a year!!!!!!! You should have not lied about our intimate relationship. This BIG LIE you told is what has caused this whole problem. That lie, your lie, is the MAIN reason why the movie has not been distributed.
Don't worry. I will not bring it up again. I imagine it must be tough for you to take back the outrageous untrue story you have been telling the world. It is OK. I will tell the TRUTH in my book. By the way, thanks for your good wishes for success on my book.
I will send you, via email, everything your accountant needs to finish the budget/actual expenses.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
On Sunday September 23, 2012, I wrote this Cheaterville post.
It got a lot views, over 20,000 - but so did all other post/stories on that day. It seems that Cheaterville is a very popular site. I decided to take the post down because I really did not want to harm Victor or the chances for our movie to get distributed. What I wanted was to tell the truth. I wanted to share my story and warn women not to get romantically involved with him. Nobody should go through what I went through.
Victor did provide me with a DVD of the first cut. I did not receive it until after I had put down the Cheaterville post. When I wrote the post/story, I did not have all the receipts for expenditures or an actual copy of the movie Victor claimed he was going to finish. I would have not stated that the production of the movie was a scam or fraud if I had received proof that there was an actual movie.
Meeting with Victor and His Attorney
On October 24, 2012, Victor and I met at Roger Muse's office in Beverly Hills. Victor was furious because of that Cheaterville story. He screamed at me with the angriest look I have ever seen, "you called me a con artist?" I wanted to say, "no, that is not true. I called you a con MAN." I did not believe it was appropriate so I just remained quiet.
A man who gets involved with a woman, gets her to fall in love with him, sleeps with her, gets her money... then later pretends there was no relationship, accuses her of harassment and tries to take all of her investment.... isn't that a Con Man????
Roger Muse threatened me with another lawsuit. He said something like this, "we are going to sue you again and this time we will make sure you don't have insurance to protect yourself."
I was afraid of another lawsuit. Not because I would lose, but because I could not afford to pay for an attorney. I was also physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. I did not want to be in a war with Victor again.

This is the press release that I agreed to.
"I have dismissed my lawsuit against Victor Alfieri and I would like to publicly retract the fraud allegations I made. These statements were made by me after having been misled by a third party. Once Victor and I met to review the books and bank statements, it became evident that I had been lied to by this third party. No money was ever stolen. Victor Alfieri did not commit fraud. I have since had an opportunity to view the film and I am very pleased with the job Victor has done. Since we have settled our dispute, Victor and I have agreed to continue working together to complete the film as originally planned." -
Published on Dec 20, 2012.
I would like to confess that I do not feel comfortable with this press release. I am clearing his name just so we can get the movie distributed. I am saying that no fraud was committed. I would like to believe so... We will see if this film project reaches distribution. "Was I a Victim of Fraud?"
Disclaimer – As of
October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was
reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or
theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts
written about this story.
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