Sexual addiction is a persistent and escalating pattern or patterns of sexual behaviors acted out despite increasingly negative consequences to self or others.
Some out of control repetitive behaviors, which may reflect sexual addiction include:

- Masturbation
- Simultaneous or repeated sequential affairs
- Pornography
- Cyber sex, phone sex
- Multiple anonymous partners
- Unsafe sexual activity
- Partner sexualization, objectification
- Strip clubs and adult bookstores
- Prostitution
- Sexual aversion
--- Definition given by SRI, Sexual Recovery Institute
Victor defamed my reputation when he made false allegations about me in his lawsuit. The following paragraph caught the attention of sensationalist reporters at TMZ.
"At his manager's urging, ALFIERI did, however, agree to meet TREVINO for lunch on her birthday on July 21,2011. After they had finished their lunch and were standing in the restaurant, parking lot, TREVINO grabbed hold of ALFIERI and tried to kiss him. Without letting him go, she asked him to have sex with her, stating that they both needed to 'release some stress.' When he refused, she asked that he at least email her a picture of his 'c--k' which she could masturbate to. ALFIERI was embarrassed by the scene they were making in public, and so to put an end to it, agreed to send her a picture. Later that evening TREVINO texted him demanding the photograph. In response ALFIERI emailed her a link to a photograph of a dildo for sale on Hustler's website. TREVINO's email response was that she would rather have ALFIERI's 'live' organ."
----- From Alfieri's Complaint

And we know what happened when TMZ published the following article. It went viral. It was translated in many different languages.
This article was so popular with TMZ, that it remained as one of the top ones for over a week - which is a lot for Hollywood and its superficial gossip.
TMZ reporters called me constantly and wanted to continue writing about it. I remember a conversation I had with one of them. She said to me, "this is what we need from you, text messages, pictures of the two of you together and.... the picture of the dildo that he emailed you." I replied, "the picture of the dildo? Why?" She assured me that by doing so it would help me. I did not see how it could benefit me or anyone even if I wanted to tell my side of the story.
I did not give them any more information. They asked me to contact them when I filed my cross-complaint, as they wanted to publish it and help me out.
I received emails and requests from magazines to give interviews. I refused to do so because of the pending lawsuit. I did not want to make things any worse.
When I filed my original cross-complaint in November 2011, TMZ was no longer interested in publishing my story. Why??? It was not scandalous enough!!! It is sad how the media is more interested in giving the UGLY side of a story. To them, it does not really matter what they publish, as long as it sells... "If it bleeds it leads."
My Version

"On July 20, 2011, Alfieri invited Trevino to lunch to celebrate her birthday. Trevino believes it was because she was demanding monies returned from his ludicrous salacious endeavors back to the production financials. Alfieri arrived with a smile, flowers and a birthday card to buy time. After lunch, Alfieri held Trevino in his arms, kissed her and said: 'I know you miss me. I know you miss my ‘pito’ [in Spanish, a whistle, or a child’s word for penis] … Baby, I cannot give it to you today but I will send you a picture.' The following day, Alfieri emailed Trevino a picture of one of his black dildos from his collection."
---- From Trevino's Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
How this scandal affected my professional and personal life
Since this big media scandal, I have lost about 40% of my business. I was nearly banned from Televisa in June 2012 when I was there working on a tv show. I got messages on facebook and even LinkedIn with inappropriate requests. All this because of this scandal and people's perception of me - a woman of questionable reputation who likes pictures of xxx.
During the summer of 2012, I had a meeting with a Head Executive of an organization with which I have been working part-time for the last couple of years. And this is the conversation we had.
Executive - "I have a problem with you... I will be blunt and tell you."
Me - "Yes? What is it?"
Executive - "Adriana, you're a sex addict and you need treatment."I actually started laughing. How ridiculous! Sex addict? I hardly have any sex. And I for sure do not exhibit the symptoms or behaviors in the above definition.
Me - "And why would you say that?"
Executive - "Because of that lawsuit... because of what that actor says."
Me - "His allegations are all false. I already told you so."He continued justifying his position, stating that he had observed me and he knew I had a problem. He gave me different examples of people with addictions. Our conversation ended like this.
Executive - "You either get treatment or you are out of our organization."
This is just one example of what I have gone through the past year and a half. This perception people have created of me is significantly affecting my professional and personal life... another reason to speak up and tell the truth.
Even my sweet mother had the wrong idea about me. And she has known me my whole life. One day when we were talking about the lawsuit and all the challenges I was experiencing, she asked me:
"What type of movie did you make with Victor???? Porn?"
Disclaimer – As of
October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was
reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or
theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts
written about this story.
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