Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties. As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.
Disclaimer: I am not making allegations of fraud as to the production of the movie at this time. I am only addressing the Alfieri's set-up to prove I had committed libel/slander.
I suspect that Victor Alferi was plotting to get my money for the movie and then get rid of me by claiming that I harassed him. I don't believe that it was a plan that he knew for sure he would implement. I think it was one of his alternative plans. I personally believe that he "plots" as he goes...
In fact, just because we are now "working together to get the movie distributed", that does not mean he has the intention to honor our original investment agreement. Why would he? He has breached the agreement numerous times.
It is interesting how trust is a "reflective" verb. If you are not to be trusted you tend to be distrustful. Victor is a person who distrusts everyone. He also "plays" everyone against one another. He told me that he wanted to get rid of Christine, Rachel Kennedy (previous investor), Sergio D'Amato (previous investor), Marco Cuadros (his manager), Joshua Fine (production attorney), Max Trevis (DP), Lorenzo diNola (data manager) and some of the actors as well. And of course, he told some or all these people that he wanted to get rid of me.
He started telling people in the production that I was obsessed and wanted to sleep with him, that he wanted to get away from me, - basically that I was sexually harassing him. Then when I disclosed the truth about our relationship to Marco Cuadros and Joshua Fine, he took what was left of MY money, disconnected his phone and disappeared. When I asked for the money back, he sued me.
He did not have a true reason to sue me. He knows that. So he had to come up with something. As I said before "plotting-on-the-go"... He had already been saying that I was sexually harassing him. I had already disclosed the truth about our relationship. He had taken and concealed MY money without authorization... So why not sue for slander/libel???? That way he would maintain his position that he was never "involved" with me and that I intentionally and maliciously lied to hurt his reputation.
Slander or libel do not mean much unless they result in financial loss. He needed to have some proof of this. So what did he do????? He recruited former actress Apollonia Kotero to help him with this scam. The reason I am mentioning her is because I am certain that she deliberately lied for Victor. I also suspect that there are other people involved in some not so legal/ethical practices with Victor. Because I have no real proof of any wrongdoing, I will not mention any other names.
Apollonia Kotero
Victor asked Apollonia Kotero (Prince's Purple Rain) to contact me to see what I said about him and if I would "slander" him. She contacted me on August 5th, 2011, just two days after Victor took and concealed my money. I said nothing about Victor or the money.![]() |
Apollonia Kotero |
Hola Adriana, Thank you for staying in touch with me. Gate events are always appreciated . How are you lady? What is new with Gate...been quiet. Several months ago I asked Gate if they had scripts that needed funding. I also asked your friend that intro'd us , Victor Alfieri if he had scripts. I sent emails to several writers asking for scripts to be budgeted films$ 5-8Million . I have funding to develope properties. So Victor Alfieri sent us a script that we like very much "Colombo. Trying to reach him but he is m.i.a.....?? I have called his number attached to script & it's disconnected. My emails are "truncated". So was wondering how you & Victor's movie is coming...? You both are making a movie? Am I correct? Bit confused as to the lack of follow up. Thank you kindly for your help Adriana. Hope you are well & happy! Disfrutando la vida!!!
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Adriana
Trevino wrote:
Dear Apollonia
Actually we do have a couple of scripts that
are looking for funding (from organizations/film makers affliated with GATE).
.... You said you asked GATE.... who did you ask? John? Wendy?
.... Why don't you go to our facebook page (for GATE) and
"like" it so you can see updates - you can find the page on my
It is important to point out that GATE is
a nonprofit organization and receives no benefit from such movies. Our mission
is to advocate, educate and encourage collaboration among people in the
entertainment industry and the media to produce transformational material that
will have a positive impact. We will be screening one or two movies a
month at CAA starting in October. Have you signed up as a member at our
As to Victor, I am aware of your close
friendship with him. I know you two keep in touch. I don't understand why
he has not contacted you lately.., And to be honest Apollonia, he could have
asked you to contact me to see if I say anything about him. We are in the
middle of a legal battle and I don't want you to be caught in the middle.
If Victor asked you to email me and report
back, there is nothing I can tell you about him or the movie I financed for
him. If you are being honest about not knowing the current situation, I
would love to talk to you. You can call me on my work cell phone number
Take care Apollonia!
Adriana Trevino
From: Apollonia
Subject: Re:
Date: September
23, 2011 12:18:36 PM PDT
To: Adriana
Hola Adriana,
Thank you kindly for your response. I am
sorry to hear of a legal battle..?! I am not aware of any of this until now. As
for a close friendship..??? I have seen him in the past at the gym. Have not
ran into him as of late. And as I mentioned I have no response from Victor
which I find unprofessional ...so we have to move on with other properties. I
am sorry to hear of such a problem. I have written to him on FB and got no
response there either. This sounds just horrible! Thank you for telling
me of this! Cannot imagine what has transpired......This industry is horrific
at times!!! Really?? I wrote to John several months ago asking him for
scripts. I did not receive a response from him either...!!! Which I found odd.
I mentioned budget ect. to John via email. So.....in the course we have
been reading many scripts anyhow. I did subscribe to Gate early this year
thanks to you Adriana. I will recheck as I have not received info...maybe I did
not do correctly. Will have my assistant check. Again, thank you so much for
this info. I am sorry this has happened. Can't imagine...he seems like a decent
guy. The script we have here is well written & could be shot in Spain. We
have access to this. Shame! What is going on with people nowadays! I have been
overseas alot this year & in Oahu as I live there part time. I will be in
L.A. for a while as I am getting ready for knee surgery. Aaargh! It will be a
simple non-evasive fix. I surf & got into a fight with a wave in Oahu
....so it won:-/ Blessings , Apollonia
Thank you so kindly for the warning re: Victor Alfieri as to NOT do any business
with him in any capacity. This is quite discerning to me & my company. I
greatly appreciate your concern for me Adriana. It is difficult for me to
understand what you said regard all this drama.....that he actually stole all
your money. The many other things to shared with me were just awful. I
hope it all works out .
Thank you kindly, Apollonia kotero
you again for your letter Adriana. Perhaps it is best for me not to land in the
middle of this . I have spoken to my lawyer Lavely & Singer... who has
advised me to speak with Victor directly regards the script and hear his side
of this . As I have also heard your point of view in all fairness. This
situation is quite discerning and I am sorry for all involved in this .
My efforts were to search for scripts to be developed in Spain such as the
"The Dreamer" with my producing team. I truly wish you all the
best outcome. And looking forward to seeing the movie produced in Italy.
Best Wishes Adriana, Apollonia
When I received discovery from Victor's attorney in the spring of 2012, I realized that Apollonia had forwarded Victor my email messages immediately after she received them. It is evident that she plotted this with him. Why would she assure me she had not heard from him and that he was "missing in action" when the two were communicating???? To set me up.
I still had Apollonia Kotero as a friend on facebook... until I learned that she was closer to Victor than she would care to admit.
After this communication on facebook, I deleted her and blocked her. That is why her picture does not appear in the chat printout.
I really do not know why Apollonia Kotero would become part of a scam such as this. Maybe she is "intimately" involved with Victor??? She herself told me that she had never been in a scandal... but she certainly got herself into this "mess" as she calls it. She was listed as a witness against me in this lawsuit.
I believe that her emails and facebook messages tell the real story.
Disclaimer – As of
October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was
reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or
theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts
written about this story.
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