Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties. As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.
I am aware that none of the actors is bringing forward any claims of safety violations or abuse. It is not my intention to create problems in their restored "friendship" with Victor Alfieri.
*** Victor gave an interview to Daytime Confidential on January 16, 2013.
"... I also completed my very first feature, a thriller I filmed in Rome. The cast and crew were excellent. They were very supportive of me and helped me throughout the process. We are like family now. The two leads, Joel Moody and Clark James Gable, gave fantastic performances bringing my screenplay to life. After the film, we became really good friends. And I really have to thank them, not only as actors, but also as real friends. They gave me the strength to move forward and finish the project. And in this hard business, that's exactly what you need — support and real friends."All the people involved in the production of this film know what REALLY happened. We know of the abuse and harassment that took place. What Victor stated in the previous lines is not completely true. He continuously complained about how bad the three American actors were and had problems with almost every single crew member.
The objective of this post is to tell the truth about what happened on set. No actor should ever have to be subjected to such abuse and unsafe conditions.
I will limit the incidents to what is contained in my proposed cross-complaint. Please go to post "Fighting Back" for complete proposed amended cross-complaint.
Sexual Harassment
a. Alfieri would constantly make sexual comments to actors (male and female). “Maybe if you suck my cock, you will improve your performance.” “You want me to come and hold you?” “You want me to come cuddle with you?” “Part of your work is to suck my cock.” “The Director always sleeps with the lead actress. I’m the Director. I’m Victor Alfieri. I was in Angels and Demons.”
b. Alfieri would harass, sexually and belligerently, actors and crew while filming. During one of the recorded takes of a scene Alfieri directed Joel Moody to touch Clark J. Gable’s penis. Yelling, Alfieri said, “Touch his cock! Rub his ass!” Alfieri would call the scene take, 1) “Desperately Looking for an Ass,” 2) “The Revenge of the Fucking Melons,” 3) “The Revenge of the Fuckers” 4) “The Revenge of the Dicks.”
c. Actors began to fear for their safety and wellbeing. Sienna, the film’s aspiring actress, begged Trevino to make Alfieri stop sexually harassing her, showing Trevino a multi-tier page-after-page record of Alfieri’s sexual advances and comments which, after Trevino investigated, were corroborated by all on-set.
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
Go to post "Sexual Harassment" and watch the video. Alfieri himself admits to making sexual jokes and to sexual harassment although for him is quite normal because he is Italian.
My personal comments for the above allegations contained in my amended cross-complaint are the following:
- Paragraph a- I witnessed ALL the comments that are mentioned here.
- Paragraph b - I have proof of Victor saying all these comments. I have the audio of the takes.
- Paragraph c - Nicole Sienna approached me and requested to speak to me privately. What is stated in this paragraph is 100% true.
Abusive Treatment of Actors
"Alfieri discriminated against and was abusive to the American actors, Nicole Sienna, Clark Gable, and Joel Moody. Alfieri’s name for them became “dumb fuckers!” among others. There were complaints from Executives, Representatives and crew to Alfieri. Alfieri ignored and dismissed all complaints."
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
According to what I personally witnessed, Victor was not abusive to any other actor on set but the three American actors. He was extremely nice to the Italian talent especially the females who were changing clothes in his house and kept him up until 3 or 4 in the morning after the shoot the previous night.
I heard Victor call the three American actors "dumb fuckers" and "little fuckers" numerous times both to their faces and behind their backs. It is my opinion that Victor was very abusive while continuously yelling at them during takes. I am not saying that Victor's behavior was always abusive. He was very pleasant and funny during some of the scenes.
Clark J. Gable
"A week prior to going to Italy, Trevino received a desperate email from Alfieri complaining about Clark J. Gable being ill and refusing to leave his room. Alfieri’s email stated: 'Clark’s going to eat the same shit tonight or tomorrow, I don’t like wasting food money, time and be a fucking babysitter for this asshole.' This was only one out of many incidents that would result in aggressive physical altercations between Clark J. Gable and Alfieri."
"Clark J. Gable overdosed on Lemoncello, an Italian liqueur with extremely high alcohol content. Alfieri forced Gable to drink the entire bottle while filming a scene. The following day Gable complained of anal bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, shakes, illness and pain. Alfieri, when requested to do so, refused to provide medical attention to Gable in this state. An altercation happened between Alfieri and Trevino when Trevino demanded Gable be rushed to the hospital as he could die. Alfieri 'did not want to spend the money'. Trevino, again, paid the hospital bill and prescriptions. Alfieri never addresses this issue again."
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
The first paragraph quotes an email I received from Victor the first week of May, 2011. He was furious with Clark and resented taking care of him and his health.
I was in Calcata, Italy when the incident mentioned in the second paragraph happened. Again, Victor was angry because Clark was sick. Victor did not want to seek medical attention for Clark. I demanded that Clark be taken to a doctor. I paid for the medical bill myself.
In his deposition, Victor claimed that Clark's critical condition was his own fault. He also said that the doctor had not given Clark any medicine. That is not accurate. Clark did get medication. And why would the doctor say that Clark's symptoms were caused by "jet lag"? Clark had already been in Italy for three weeks!
Nicole Sienna
Victor was the most abusive to Nicole Sienna. It is my personal opinion that after attempting to sleep with her and not getting what he wanted, he "punished" her."Trevino was the only individual allowed to discuss the production with Sienna after Alfieri prohibited Sienna from leaving the set on her days off. Alfieri banned all communication with actors and crew with Ms. Sienna because she refused to have sex with him. Witnesses conclude that Alfieri made Ms. Sienna’s life miserable. Alfieri’s continued anger towards Ms. Sienna included, but was not limited to, screaming at her, forcing her to stay in her bedroom and treating her like a prisoner. This was Ms. Sienna’s first time in a Medieval Village in a remote area of Italy. Alfieri threatened to cut all Sienna’s scenes and fly her back to the United States immediately if she did not do as he said. Ms. Sienna called her mother in the United States to come rescue her. Her mother arrived shortly after."
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
Safety Violations
The next two paragraphs are contained in my Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint. I believe that they are important, as they illustrate the work "environment.""Joel Moody was terrified of Alfieri’s behavior. Joel Moody stated to Trevino that he believe Alfieri had gone insane and could kill him."
" Christine Kelley made allegations to Alfieri about being sexually assaulted by XXXXXXX while she was sleeping. Alfieri, as Director of “Looking For Clara” ignored this allegation and refused to address it. Instead he responded crudely: 'at least you are getting some!' ”
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint
Joel told me himself what is stated in the first paragraph. He also said that he had numerous emails sent to his father that could serve as proof of this allegation.
Christine Kelley did tell Victor about the sexual assault she had been victim of. Regardless of the assault being real or not, Victor should have addressed this issue and should have protected her and everyone on set.
"Trevino, along with cast and crew, witnessed Alfieri repeatedly throwing a 15-inch butcher/carving knife at cast and crew while screaming 'CUT.' "
"Alfieri abusively violated multiple California Labor Laws and held crew and talent beyond a 10-hour work-day with no pay. On one occasion, during the 'torture' scenes, Alfieri made cast and crew work 15 continuous hours. Alfieri never had the decency to say thank you, nor give any credit to anyone who was not touching him sexually or fawning over his looks."
"Clark J. Gable’s first film experience almost resulted in his death. Alfieri kept Clark Gable in a cold wet bathtub, tied up, for hours. Gable was unable to move. Alfieri had a real 'operating' drill in his hand and was screwing it in to Clark’s abdomen during the filming of the scene. Christine Kelley reacted warning Alfieri of the extreme danger and liability of using a real drill, potentially puncturing Gable’s skin or electrocuting him. Alfieri refused to stop and continued shooting the scene."
"Trevino witnessed as Alfieri tied 5’8”, 130 lb actor Joel Moody up to a chair while Alfieri strangled him for a scene. Alfieri threw Moody onto the floor over and over without a cushion, protection or any safeguard from head and body injury. Alfieri found the chair in the dumpster, therefore, during a take as Moody was tied to it, the chair broke and Moody fell again to the floor."
"Alfieri’s resentment of Sienna led him to have his character, the killer, strangle and kill Sienna. Alfieri chose to use a real plastic bag with no ventilation while tying a rope around Sienna’s neck. Everyone on set was terrified Sienna was not going to live. Alfieri, being the director and actor, demanded the scene be repeated over and over. After a multitude of takes on this scene Alfieri screamed out 'This bitch cannot even die right! ' ”
---- From Proposed Amended Cross-Complaint

Victor did make the actors and crew work overtime when filming the "torture" scenes. It was a horrible experiece. Victor did not seem prepared at all to shoot the scenes. I believe that he did not take the proper safety measures.
I was not present when the scene with Clark Gable in the tub was filmed. However, during his deposition, Victor admits to using a REAL operating drill during the scene. It was not a prop!
I was on set when Joel's scene was shot. There was no cushion or safety device to break the fall. It is true that Joel did not complain. He actually stated that he had done his own stunts. I still believe that this scene should have been shot differently - taking into consideration Joel's safety.
Watching how Victor shot the scene with Nicole was horrifying for me. The plastic bag he placed over Nicole's head had no ventilation whatsoever. I know because I was there. I angrily yelled at Victor, "Do you know what your are doing?" He responded, "I do stunts all the time... I know what I am doing." Luckily, nothing bad happened to any of the lead actors.
This video contains some of his testimony under oath.
Disclaimer – As of
October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was
reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or
theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts
written about this story.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your nice writing on how to Cure addiction and I was reading it and I think my time is not wasted
I appreciate your comment but don't understand what "cure" for addiction I have provided. If you are referring to writing this blog as a cure for addiction, maybe yes. It is a good therapy for anyone to be honest and seek the truth (in oneself).