Update as of 10-15-2018 -- The case has been dismissed by both parties. As we have agreed to move forward, the dismissed case will remain confidential.
People perceive events and situations through the filter of their own reality. We could then say that there are billions of different realities out there. That would be accurate.

And then the media comes and disseminates information that already contains opinion and judgment. It is just as if a situation or event were wrapped up in a little gift box and later offered to EVERYONE as the TRUTH.
This is what I experienced when faced with this scandal - Thousands of people reading and writing about this incident voicing their opinion and judgement.
For more on this subject, go to post "Sexual Addiction".
Some people had no problem sharing their opinion. Some of the comments on the TMZ article.
"Wow, some chicks are so crazy"
"If this story is true, this woman is crazy."
"Ahahahahahah Don't EVER mess with a horny woman. What, he couldn't throw her a bone... or live organ?
"He should have just banged her. Must be gay. Or the girl is fat. Nobody wants to bang a fat girl. He's probably just gay though. Looks it."
"He knew what she wanted when he took the money...come on now."
"She musta been one FUGLY chick if he couldn't have thrown her a BoNe :-)"
"Sounds like one of Gloria Alldred's clients. Crazy Wackjob bitches. Truth!!!!"
"The least he could have done is sent her a picture of his thing. I mean, come on. I would sell a picture of my **** to someone for 150,000 dollars anytime. In fact, where is this woman? I think her and I could do business.."
"Hey Adriana, Call me!"
"Well, now that ha***** the news, Miss Adriana Trevino will be sent more schlong pictures than she'll now what to do with. I saw her LinkedIn page, she is an attractive red head, with an MBA. So I encourage every guy out there to send her what she whats, email, postal mail, etc. I'm sure if she likes what she sees she'll certainly have a "part" for you!"

It is true that we all have the right to our own opinion. Nobody can deny that. It is when it creates such negative judgement impacting someone's social and personal life that it becomes an issue.
Many of my friends, business associates and acquaintances heard the news on their own. Others heard it from me. Most of the comments I heard took me to a very sad and lonely place.
What? How did you let this happen!?
I knew it... I told you so!
Why would you give anyone money just like that??!! That is irresponsible!
I would have never allowed anything like that to happen to me.
He used you.
You should have not trusted him.
You should have never been generous to him.
You should have not given him your love or money so easily.
What has this experience taught me????
Not to trust, not to give and not to love?????
NO. This is not the lesson I want to learn.
Disclaimer – As of
October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was
reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or
theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts
written about this story.
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