Alfieri's Original Version
The following excerpts are from Victor's complaint. What is alleged in his complaint tells the story of our relationship according to him."In becoming involved in the production of Bond, TREVINO made every effort to maximize the level of personal contact between herself and ALFIERI. Thus, in addition to wanting to invest in the production, TREVINO offered to edit the Arturo Bond screenplay and be ALFIERI's personal assistant. TREVINO also insisted on acting as the bookkeeper for BONDOLINI. At TREVINO's insistence, ALFIERI gave TREVINO access to the BONDOLINI account into which TREVINO's investment funds were deposited. From June of 2010, ALFIERI also gave TREVINO access to his telephone; his computer and his email account. However, the-volume of increasingly flirtatious messages and telephone calls also grew prompting ALFIERI to remind TREVINO that although they were friends, their relationship was primarily a business relationship."
"Once on set, TREVlNO resumed her attempts to become physically involved with ALFIERI, hugging him and rubbing his back even in the presence of ALFIERI's mother. Once again, ALFIERI had to ask TREVlNO to curtail her flirtatious behavior. At that point, it became apparent to ALFIERI that TREVlNO was intent on having a sexual relationship with him."
"While on set, TREVlNO also became involved with the actors and their various intrigues, both on set and on internet social sites. This made ALFIERI's management of the Production and the actors much more difficult."
"Once ALFIERI returned from Italy, TREVlNO was relentless in her attempts to see him insisting that they meet for various reasons including obtaining records in order to do the bookkeeping. However, she also made it clear in her email messages that she was in love with him and wanted a "personal" relationship rather than just a professional relationship."
"Given TREVlNO's past overtures, ALFIERI was very hesitant about meeting her alone. ... However, after ALFIERI complained about TREVINO's romantic advances, on June 17, 2011,TREVINO wrote him an email in which she acknowledged that ALFIERI did not requite her romantic desires and assured him that those desires had passed..."
"Nonetheless, ALFIERI did not want to meet TREVINO in private and therefore agreed to meet her at a coffee shop..."
"At his manager's urging, ALFIERI did, however, agree to meet TREVINO for lunch on her birthday on July 21,2011. After they had finished their lunch and were standing in the restaurant, parking lot, TREVINO grabbed hold of ALFIERI and tried to kiss him. Without letting him go, she asked him to have sex with her, stating that they both needed to 'release some stress.' When he refused, she asked that he at least email her a picture of his 'c--k' which she could masturbate to. ALFIERI was embarrassed by the scene they were making in public, and so to put an end to it, agreed to send her a picture. Later that evening TREVINO texted him demanding the photograph. In response ALFIERI emailed her a link to a photograph of a dildo for sale on Hustler's website. TREVINO's email response was that she would rather have ALFIERI's 'live' organ."
"After these occurrences which had taken place despite TREVINO's assurances that her amorous intentions had passed; ALFIERI. was resolute in his intention not to again meet with TREVINO alone. When she urged him to meet with her for the 'accounting,' he responded that he wanted to go over the budget and expenditures with her in the presence of his attorney."
"When TREVINO realized that there would be no meeting alone with ALFIERI, her interest in 'bookkeeping' vanished and she was suddenly too busy to meet with ALFIERI and his attorney. She was not, however, too busy to attempt to organize something for ALFIERI's 40th birthday (July 30th). She initially contacted ALFIERI's manager for that purpose, falsely stating that ALFIERI's mother had asked her to organize something for his birthday. No one in fact had asked her to do anything of the kind. Ultimately, however, ALFIERI told TREVINO that he did not wish to spend his birthday with her."
"Apparently, finally realizing that her fantasy of a sexual relationship with ALFIERI would never be realized, TREVINO became overtly hostile to ALFIERI and to his conduct of the Production. Asserting that ALFIERI had misled her regarding her true powers as 'Executive Producer,' on August 9" 3,2011, TREVINO announced in an email message to ALFIERI, his manager and his attorney that she was taking over the Production and that, as Executive Producer, she would thenceforth have the final word. Apparently realizing that her obsession with ALFIERI had become obvious to all around her, and hoping to appear as being the injured party, TREVINO went on to send another email to ALFIERI, his attorney and his manager falsely stating that she had, in fact, had a sexual relationship with ALFIERI for more than a year."
"Realizing that TREVINO's obsession with him had reached a crescendo and that she was now out to wreck both his reputation and the production of Clara, ALFIERI removed TREVINO's access to BONDOLINI's remaining funds by transferring those funds to a BONDOLINI account to which TREVINO had no access."
"Since that time, TREVINO has falsely represented to everyone connected with the Production that ALFIERI stole money from her. TREVINO has also repeated to others the misrepresentation that she had engaged in a sexual relationship with ALFIERI. TREVINO has made these misrepresentations to others both orally and in writing."
"TREVINO drafted an email addressed to ALFIERI's mother wherein she repeated her misrepresentation that she had a sexual relationship with ALFIERI, repeated her misrepresentation that ALFIERI had stolen her money and indicated that she was reporting him to the police. TREVINO had the message translated into Italian and on August 4, 2011, she emailed the message to ALFIERI's mother. When ALFIERI's mother could not thereafter reach ALFIERI by telephone, as a result of her panic, she suffered a physical condition which required her hospitalization."
--- From Alfieri's Complaint
Summary of Alfieri's First Version of How the Relationship Developed
- Fan (false)
- Personal Assistant (false)
- Investor/Financier (true)
- Stalker (false)
- Hostile Slanderer (false)
- The Enemy (according to him... true)
Second Version - The Deposition
By the time Victor was deposed on August 16, 2012, he had already had the opportunity to review proof of my allegations against him that contradicted the previous story he told in his original complaint.
Watch the following video. It summarizes his second version of how our relationship developed.
So.... does his story make sense????
- Fan - He did not say I was a fan but he did say that he signed several pictures and "cover" movies??? Maybe he meant covers of DVD cases? He did give me an autographed picture for my niece and another one for me. This happened six months after we had become close friends and lovers. He knows that I was never his fan. I would joke about it by saying that I wanted his autograph anyway. This became an inside joke for us.
- Amnesia - It is strange that Victor suddenly forgot everything during his deposition. It really was as if he had just gotten amnesia. Roger Muse, his attorney probably instructed him to say he did not remember instead of lying. He clearly overdid it. It was obvious that Victor was lying about not remembering because he was laughing as he was saying "I don't remember."
- Assistance for Back Pain - He did remember this specific event - his back injury. I did offer to help him when we were chatting on facebook. When we met in person, he did not expect me to do anything for his back pain.
- Amnesia - During his deposition he could not remember what happened when we met again in early June, 2010. Please go to "How We Met" to see what happened during that meeting in June. He gets amnesia again up to the point when, according to him, I "insist" on becoming an investor and his personal assistant.
- Personal Assistant - We were already friends and lovers when I jokingly said that I would be his personal assistant. I was NEVER his personal assistant. Why would I? I was the one with the Engineering degree, the Master's in Business Administration, the owner and CEO of a business. Plus, I was the "financier" of his projects???? Does that make sense... to be his personal assistant? He stated that I had access to his phone, email account, personal computer... as he said, I had access "at everything." Read post "Premeditation".
- Investor/Financier - It is true that I became an investor. At first he was also an investor - we were basically business partners. Then he pulled all his money out leaving me as the sole "financier" of the movie project. He knows that the MAIN reason I became an investor is because he and I were romantically involved and because I loved him. I told him several times, in person and in writing (text messages, emails and letters).

- Close Friend - This is probably the only thing he said that was truthful. I was a very good friend to him. I was always there for him.... "no matter what," as he, himself said.
I only agree with two points in this second version. I was indeed the investor/financier of Victor's project(s) and a close friend.
In both versions, he claimed that I was his personal assistant and had access to his phone, email and computer. He claimed I answered his phone and used his personal computer. Why would he allow me access to all that after the "obsessive sexual harassment" started? He stated, under oath, that I had access to his phone until June 17, 2011, until the break-up or conflict, as he called it. Read the post "premeditation" to learn WHY he claimed I was his personal assistant. There is a BIG reason why he said that. "Premeditation will be published in a few days.
During his deposition he got very defensive when he was asked about the tattoo close to his lower pelvis. He claimed that there are pictures all over facebook in his underwear. I, myself never saw those pictures. The tattoos I was referring to cannot be seen if he's dressed (even in underwear). He knew what I was talking about and got upset to be confronted. Did you also notice that he mentioned pictures of a gladiator type movie he shot where you can see his tattoos??? Isn't that ridiculous??? Gladiators did NOT have tattoos. Actually, all his tattoos were covered for that movie.
He admits that we were very close friends, that I was always there for him, that I took him to the hospital when he cracked a rib. So, if he considered me such a good friend, why would he claim in his written complaint that I was sexually harassing him??? Wouldn't close friends have a conversation about this??? Would anyone treat a "close" friend the way he treated me????
All of these questions will be answered in my next post, "Our Relationship - The Trevino Version - PART 1" And don't forget to read Part 2 as well.
Disclaimer – As of October 15, 2018, all legal issues have been resolved. This resolution was reached during arbitration. There are no pending issues related to fraud or theft. The resolution was mutually agreeable. There will be no more posts written about this story.